Tuesday 6 August 2019

5 Ways To Find (And Attract!) Your Dream Customer And Make More Sales

So you know exactly who your dream customer is because you've done the work and have nailed your customer avatar. Now you just need to find them and attract them into your business. 

Simple!........ Or is it?  

Where on earth do you start? 

Don't worry - you've come to the right place! ;o) 

[If you don't have a customer avatar and so don't know exactly who you want to target, it's important that you do this first. See our previous two blogs for guidance and a link to a free customer avatar to help you out;  What is a customer Avatar and why would you need one...? and Create Your Ideal Customer Avatar in 4 Simple Steps)]

Most people these days are hanging around on Social Media in one form or another. Given the advertising and targeting potential of these platforms, it makes sense to start here! 

But first, start thinking about the types of interests that your customer avatar will have. What organisations would they like? What brands? What events, movies and fan pages? What Job title would they have? what celebrities would they follow? Would they network in professional social groups or are they more likely to use social groups and channels? 

Answering these questions will help you when looking at each of the below channels and tactics. 

1. Facebook 

With over 2.4b Billion users on Facebook - this is a great place to start. But bear in mind the demographic. Facebook is geared towards a slight audience having been superseded by snap chat and Instagram for the younger audience. 

Search for any relevant Facebook Groups with the search bar, join them and start to post helpful content that will help your target audience with their challenges and pain points and also position you as an expert. 

As you build an audience, create your own invite-only Facebook group for the most engaged of your audience. You can target your audience using  'interests' on Facebook. If your dream customer is likely to follow a certain brand, celebrity or popular influencer, so long as they have a certain number of followers, you will be able to target their fans. 

2. Instagram

Whilst Instagram was traditionally seen as simply a photo-sharing network, it is gathering huge pace with influencers all over the world. Images can powerfully encapsulate the message behind a post and many are including smaller versions of a blog post - continuing to communicate their message effectively through this unique platform. 

If you know your audience, you will know who they are likely to follow on Instagram. You can follow these members in the hope that they will follow back, but you can also engage with them and comment on posts. 

Make use of the maximum number of hashtags that you are allowed to use for each post, to help get your posts exposure and make use of Instagram Stories - as these are featured prominently above standard posts. You can reach out to other Account owners in your Niche to get shout outs and possibly JV with - and of course, you can make use of Instagram ads to reach your audience. 


3. Twitter 

According to Big Commerce The Verge Twitter has 126 million users daily (Feb19). Again, Twitter attracts a different type of audience. It is easy to see if your ideal customer is hanging out there by looking at key influencers in your niche and assessing the size of their following and interaction. You can also use the search bar to search for popular keywords, search terms and key phrases in your niche (use the #hashtag) to see if people are discussing these topics on Twitter. 

To build a following you need to follow the right people. Identify the influencers or brands in your niche, that your audience is likely to be following and start following them. Interact with their posts and follow their followers. Interaction is the key, so make sure you reply, mention and retweet anything that is relevant to you and your niche. Use hashtags to make your content searchable, tweet other people's content and make use of videos, photos and live video to keep your followers more engaged. 

4. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a much more professional social network, so if you are B2B or provide services to professionals, this is a great place for you to start. Connect with people that are likely to be looking for your product or service. Join relevant LinkedIn groups. Don't start direct messaging people trying to sell, this is the worst thing you can do on this platform. Instead post useful content in relevant groups, again positioning yourself as an expert and gaining credibility and trust. 

Notice the issues the group members are facing and see what information you can offer to help.  Create your LinkedIn business page so that when people click on your profile out of interest, they can be directed to your business page and website. And of course share plenty of visual and video content to keep your audience engaged. 

5. YouTube 

Video marketing provides one of the most popular forms of engagement, as demonstrated with the introduction of Facebook Live, Instagram Stories and now Twitter and LinkedIn Lives. YouTube is, therefore, becoming an increasingly important channel for business owners and entrepreneurs. 

To see if your target audience is active on YouTube simply search for your top keywords or search terms and see how many results there are and what the view count is for the top results (you can filter results by view count). Views can be in the tens, hundreds, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions! This will give you an idea of the demand for video content in your niche. 

To attract your audience, build your video around a single topic or keyword. This will generate the right traffic and there are plenty of tools out there that can help identify volumes of search terms. Many people on YouTube are looking for answers to questions and tutorials - so provide valuable content and the tribe will build itself. By posting regularly, branding your channel (even creating a trailer for it) and of course engaging with people that comment or like your videos - you will increase engagement and keep your fans coming back and more likely to subscribe to your channel. 


Needless to say, trying to tackle all of the above (without an in-house specialist or agency to use) is likely to feel overwhelming and will certainly take time. So take one step at a time! 

Pick one social media channel to start with. Create your profile, identify where your ideal customer is and start attracting them using the above tips (and any others that you find online). 

Once your first channel is up and running and you have a growth strategy, content plan and media schedule in place - you can hand it over to a VA to manage for you. You are then free to move onto the next channel. 

(If are struggling with outsourcing - this post will help you: 10 Top Tips for Outsourcing Bliss!)

Of course the combination of all social media channels, when managed property and effectively will result in huge growth, particularly as you start to cross promote all of your content throughout all of the social media channels! 

Good luck - and more importantly - have fun! 

Attracting your dream customer is just one out of 7 essential steps to growing your business online. Want to know the rest? Download you free eBook here, to streamline your focus and smash your goals!

Have a great day! 😃

Laptop Lifestyle Living
- Design A Life You Love!


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