Monday 5 August 2019

Create Your Ideal Customer Avatar in 4 Simple Steps

As I’m sure you already know, a customer avatar is a profile that represents your ideal customer. It's a very specific and detailed view of the type of customer you want to attract into your business.

We’re not just talking age, sex and geographic location - we are talking familial status, profession, salary, the car they drive, where they like to eat, what stage of life they are at, how they are feeling, what they are trying to achieve - and so on.

Why is this level of detail important?

It’s simple really. It helps you define 100%, who you are trying to attract into your business. When you know this, you can address their pain points and help them overcome their challenges, you can talk to them directly through your advertising, marketing and messaging and you are therefore more likely to appeal to them.

AND if you know who your dream customer is - you will be able to find out where they are likely to hang out online and create highly targeted (and therefore highly converting) ad campaigns. The more specific and targeted you are, the more sales, revenue and profit you will generate.

OK, that all makes sense…. But where do I start?

Great question. Here are 4 simple steps….

Step 1. We recommend using an Avatar template, like the one found on Digital Marketer (free download) or Einstein Marketer for a starting point. You will see from here the level of detail you need to go into to create an effective customer avatar.

Step 2. Allocate yourself some quiet time to really dive into this. It may seem futile but you could really reap the rewards by better understanding the type of person that you are trying to attract and help. The time spent here digging will come back to you in dividends - through increased sales, conversions and customers.

Step 3. Complete the form, being as specific as you can. Give your avatar a name and you could even find a photo online of someone that you think could look like your avatar. Try to get in their heads and take a peak at their life, so that you can answer the questions in the template. It may be difficult initially, but once you are in the flow you will find it gets much easier.

Step 4. Once you’ve completed the questions - it’s time to review your avatar. Think about some of your best customers and who they are, why they came to you (or bought from you) in the first place and what type of person they are. Make sure that whatever you have included in the avatar is consistent with this view of your actual customers (so long as you still want to attract this type of customer of course!) 

And that’s it…. Now you have defined who you want to attract, it’s time to find them!

We hope that post was helpful. Please feel free to comment below with any additional ideas you'd like to discuss or to ask any questions.

Creating a customer avatar and defining your audience is just one out of 7 essential steps to growing your business online. Want to know the rest? Download you free eBook here, to streamline your focus and smash your goals!

Have a great day! 😃

Laptop Lifestyle Living
- Design A Life You Love!

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