Tuesday 6 August 2019

7 Online Marketing Tools That You Need In Your Digital Arsenal

FEB 26, 2019 

There are a ton of online marketing tools out there. How do you know which ones are the best ones to work with? You could take a trial of every marketing tool available, but that takes up too much time.
The other option is to read this article to find out what the top tools you need to add to your marketing arsenal.

1. Google Analytics & Search Console

As soon as you set up your website, get it connected to Google Analytics and Google Search Console. It’s easy to do when you’re running a WordPress site. Sign up for accounts in Google, then install a plugin like Yoast SEO to connect your site with both tools.
Google Analytics will give you the information you need about traffic. You’ll know where it comes from, how long people stay on your site, your most popular content.
Search Console will tell you if your SEO is working or not. Find out how your site appears in search results. You’ll know what search terms your site show up for, how many people see your site in search results, and your click-through rate. 

2. Social Media Schedulers

There’s nothing worse than feeling like you have to be on social media all of the time. How can you run a business if you’re constantly distracted by posting? A social media schedule lets you post your content in advance.
There are a ton of social media schedulers available. Which one should you use? It depends on what social networks you use. For Pinterest scheduling, Tailwind is the tops. For Instagram scheduling, Later is a good choice.
If you’re on multiple networks, check out Buffer or Hootsuite.

3. Content Generation Tools

One of the hardest things for site owners to do is to pump out good content on a regular basis. Using tools like Grammarly will make sure you avoid misspelled words and basic grammatical errors.
Copyscape is another content tool that will ensure that your content isn’t duplicated elsewhere. Duplicated content can hurt you in search results.
One of the most important content tools is a good headline generation tool. A headline is what tells someone to read the rest of your copy. It also encourages conversions.
If you’re stuck on creating content, especially for an international audience, check out this company. They’re a content marketing company in Ecuador that creates leads, opportunities and sales.

4. Email Marketing Tools

When you do get traffic to your site, you’re going to want a way to capture those visitors. Email marketing is the best way to do that.
MailChimp is recommended here because it’s free for up to 2000 subscribers. There are a number of great features for this email software like auto-response campaigns.

5. Image Creation Tools

Images are a hot topic for bloggers and content creators. Visuals are incredibly important to your website because people process images faster than text.
You always want to be sure that the images you use aren’t copyrighted works. That could get you in legal hot water.
Use sites like Pixabay or pay for an account at DepositPhotos to get quality images. These sites let you use images without the need for additional royalties.
Once you have those images, you can use an image editing tool such as Canva to create your image for your blog or social media posts.

6. Heat Mapping Tools

Google Analytics tells you so much about your traffic. The data doesn’t tell you the entire story, however.
A heat mapping tool lets you see exactly how visitors use your site. You’ll see how far down they scroll down on a page. That tells you how good your content is (or isn’t). If people aren’t getting past the first few paragraphs of a post or page, it’s a clear sign that you need to revamp the intro.

7. Keyword Research Tools

If you plan to generate any amount of traffic from SEO, you need a keyword research tool. You’ll know the search terms people use to find your product or service. You can also use a keyword research tool for content ideas.
Ubersuggest is one of the top keyword research tools out there, and it’s free to use. 

Bonus Online Marketing Tools

There are a couple of more online marketing tools that you can implement when you’re ready to implement advanced marketing strategies.
The first is an A/B testing tool. This will help you analyze and optimize your landing pages and ads. A/B testing lets you create different versions of your ads. You can take one element of your ad, like a headline or an image, and test them against each other.
Whichever one shows better results is the one to keep using. You can then test another element and do the same thing until your conversion rates are through the roof.
One common mistake that people make with A/B testing is to create entirely new ads or landing pages. Don’t do that because you won’t be able to tell which part of your ad or landing page people are responding to.
One other tool you want to invest in is a remarketing tool.  Have you ever visited a website and then seen an ad for the same company a few minutes later while visiting Facebook or another site? That’s remarketing.
A remarketing tool lets you target your website’s visitors with advertising when they leave your site. One remarketing tool that’s widely used among marketers is AdRoll. It’s a great option because it integrates with Google and Facebook ad networks.

Online Marketing Tools are a Must

If you want to take your digital marketing to the top, you have to invest in online marketing tools. They make your online marketing more manageable through reporting, scheduling, and testing.
All of which are critical so you can constantly improve your digital marketing strategies. As you improve your digital marketing, you’ll notice more traffic, a more robust email list, more leads, and more sales.
That’s the power of digital marketing. Check out this article to learn how to create amazing marketing videos. https://www.articlecity.com/blog/7-online-marketing-tools-that-you-need-in-your-digital-arsenal/

Have a great day!  😃

Laptop Lifestyle Living

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