Saturday, 31 August 2019

What Videos & Software are Best for YouTube Marketing in 2019

What Videos & Software are Best for YouTube Marketing in 2019 

There is no argument that YouTube is one of THE platforms that you need to be on if you are serious about growing your business, creating an impact and widening your reach.  People use YouTube for so many different things and it’s become a number one go-to resource for most. 

Add the fact that it is Google-owned and high ranking videos appear on page 1 of google when returning search results - it’s a no brainer.  And if you’re still unsure whether you should be there or not, just check out these stats from BiographON

The total number of people who use YouTube – 1,300,000,000.
300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute!
Almost 5 billion videos are watched on Youtube every single day.
YouTube gets over 30 million visitors per day
In an average month, 8 out of 10 18-49 year-olds watch YouTube.

So now you're convinced, what type of content are you going to create? What will best fit you, your audience and your message? Here are 5 of the most popular video formats for you to contemplate: 

YOU On Camera

You appear on camera in your own videos. If the thought terrifies you and you’re thinking ‘NO WAY ON EARTH’ - don’t worry, that’s quite a normal response and you are not alone! Putting yourself out there can be very daunting but it can also be one of the most rewarding and engaging videos you could create and it is likely to get you the most results. 

If you are the face of the business - a marketer or an entrepreneur it’s essential that you get in front of the camera to connect with your audience. It will increase engagement, help you to build a following and even increase loyalty if you let your audience see who they are listening to rather than hiding behind the logo of a faceless company. 

And of course, this is minimal cost (and in fact can be free and done with your smartphone or computer). If you are still reluctant to do it - perhaps see if your business partner or a colleague will do it instead. No-one 

And don’t worry, if you’re still not ready for this and would prefer to try something else there are other options…

Whiteboard Sketch Video  

As the name suggests the style of these videos are sketch style animations against a plain white background (you can choose blackboard also) featuring a hand that sketches images out on the screen. You can add music and voice-overs to this, using a script that you create. 

This type of video seemed to explode in popularity in recent years as they were effective, simple and easy for the audience to engage with. They can be cheap to create and there is an abundance of outsourcers offering this as a Paid for service. Equally, there are a lot of different software and templates that you can use if you’d prefer to do it yourself. 

This type of video is ideal for explaining a physical product or service that hard to describe. 

Animation Video 

Again a very popular type of video. It’s kind of an upgrade to the sketch video and they are ideal for telling a story or trying to simply and complicated topic or product in a way that your audience can understand and even be entertained by. 

They are again simple, engaging and can be entertaining. They are also cheap to make and can be used as an alternative to appearing in front of your camera yourself - you can get your character drawn up and featured instead!  

This type of video is ideal for explaining a physical product or service that hard to describe. 

Screen Capture 

This is another cheap and effective way to use video - particularly if you are trying to show your audience how to do something on the computer. Whether this is a tutorial on how to use a piece of software, an on-screen training or using a slideshow presentation and even hosting a webinar. 

It’s very popular and you can also use software that allows you to feature yourself in a corner of the screen so that you are still connecting to and engaging with your audience. 

Some of the popular software that can be used for this include Camtasia, Screenflow and Jing.  If you're on a MAC you can use Quick Time for free (just make sure it’s recording the audio) and of course there is Zoom which seems to be a popular choice but the video and lip sync quality can be impaired. Screenflow is a great, more advanced tool that allows you to move images and sound around, add effects, add text boxes and other things. You might want to use these features for the intro and end of your videos - if you are doing this yourself. 

The Slideshow

You can record your powerpoint or keynote presentation and upload it as a video on YouTube. Another simple, but very effective and low-cost way to create videos. Anyone can do this quickly and easily and you can, of course, add voice over to the presentation as you run through the slides. 

This type of video is great for how-to’s and tutorials and even when trying to present a proposal to your audience. If you’re not ready to be in front of the camera and don’t even want to hear your own voice - you can even pay someone to do the voice over.


So you see there are plenty of options just in this article - and there are even more than that. If you’re new to YouTube and are completely anti appearing in front of the camera yourself - chose another format just to get started. The important thing is that you DO get started and breakthrough whatever is getting in your way. By taking these first steps, you will quickly find yourself able and willing to do a lot more with Video and as you will start to stretch your comfort zone. 


Good Luck :o) 

If you're interested in YouTube and Video Marketing you might want to check out this article:   
Why You Need a YouTube Channel For Your Online Business

Have a great day!  😃

Laptop Lifestyle Living

Friday, 30 August 2019

The 6 Biggest Marketing Trends for 2019 (And How to Use Them!)

The Most Tragic Mistake a New Marketer Almost Always Makes

By: Richard Meredith

So... you're a new marketer, and you want to make extra money or even perhaps a great living! One of the first things you do is join an affiliate program or downline club of some sort. Or maybe even you are trying your hand at eBay or another auction service by marketing some nicely profitable product. Now, once you have some sort of online business vehicle, your mind must gravitate to exactly what kind of advertising to generate sales or memberships.

Online business is an awful lot like regular advertising. What draws you to a business in your home town? Coupons? Specials? Giveaways? A personal recommendation from a friend or trusted associate?

Oh yes - and here is a little secret that is often not known or ignored:

When it comes to building any kind of business online you do the same thing! Give away a free report, an informative ebook, a trial software, an online course, or maybe a subscription to a free newsletter or ezine. This is just simply the way it is done with an online business, period. But here is the most critical part... you MUST capture the name and email address FIRST before you give access to it!

It is widely known by all of the top marketers online that your PRIMARY task to be successful is to compile a list of people (prospective customers) that are interested in the type of thing you are giving away! This is so easy to do with an autoresponder. They just fill a form, and they are automatically added to your list, and then are redirected to your download page or membership site.

Then the next task is to automatically send a series of messages with that autoresponder that tell more about the reasons why your product or products (or membership program) are BENEFICIAL to them! WHY? Because it is infinitely better to contact a prospect several times rather than only once. It is a proven fact that most people will NOT buy from you or join your program until they have been approached at least 5 to 7 times. This is done as I said, automatically, on a timed basis slowly tapering off until it is a slow drip of messages until they buy or join- or unsubscribe from your list. And when you run special promotions of any kind, a feature of the best autoresponders allows you to broadcast to your entire list any time you want. This is how many marketers can make huge amounts of money and sales ON DEMAND- whenever and as often as they like!

Details about which autoresponders are best, and the techniques of developing a list and how often to mail to that list are subjects that deserve more time and attention than can be given here... but suffice it to say that if YOU are not FIRST developing a list, and then marketing to your list AFTERWARDS- you're just missing the boat!

Pure and simple!

So if you are advertising an affiliate link, or your products' sale page... or anything other than your free subscription, report, ebook, or course - it can indeed be the most tragic mistake you can make in your online business strategy!

If this is you, pull back and regroup, and completely re-think your marketing strategy now before you lose too much time, money, energy, or motivation.

And remember... BUILD your LIST!

Original Source:

Have a great day!  😃

Laptop Lifestyle Living

Why You Need a YouTube Channel For Your Online Business

The question shouldn't be 'should I have a YouTube channel' it should be 'What videos should I create for my YouTube channel?'. 

YouTube is a HUGE platform that almost any business can use to connect with their audience. Not only do people use YouTube for entertainment, but it's a convenient go-to resource to find out how to do absolutely anything - whether that's in the home, or at work.

From cooking, dog training, DIY projects, product demonstrations and more recently an explosion of tutorials, free trainings and how-to guides for entrepreneurs and businesses. You can pretty much find any information you need on YouTube with a convenient video that you watch or listen to at the touch of a button.

So why wouldn't you want to be there?

Here are some stats to show you why you need to be on YouTube - courtesy of Orberlo - 10 Youtube Stats Every Marketer Should Know in 2019 [Infographic]

  • YouTube has 1.9 billion users worldwide
  • The only social network that has more monthly active users than YouTube is Facebook.
  • 79 percent of internet users say they have a YouTube account (Datareportal, 2019)
  • Everyday people watch one billion hours of videos on YouTube and generate billions of views (YouTube, 2019)
  • 62 percent of businesses use YouTube as a channel to post video content (Buffer, 2019)
  • 90 percent of people say they discover new brands or products on YouTube (Thinkwithgoogle, 2019).

So what are the benefits of having your own YouTube Channel? There are plenty! Here's just 9 of them...

1. Provide Even More Content to Your Audience.

Whilst blogs are a great way to keep your audience informed and to provide content that helps solve their problems, there is only so much you can write in a blog. And only so much that readers want (or are able) to take it. Videos are a great way of creating even more content and making it more digestible. 

2. More Visual

Depending on your niche and product or service, videos could be a much simpler way of providing your content. If you are showing your audience how to use software for example or navigate around a computer or system, sharing your screen is by far the easiest way to communicate. Likewise, if your niche is cooking, beauty tips or fitness - video is a perfect way to communicate. Video can also break complicated subjects down into a simpler format, by using whiteboards or demonstrations for example. 

3. Ease and Convenience

Not everyone likes to read and videos are easily digestible. There will be a number of people that would prefer to watch a video instead of reading a long article, how-to guide or blog post. You don't want to lose this segment of your target audience. YouTube is so convenient that videos can even be consumed whilst doing something else - like running on a treadmill or on the commute to work, so if your audience is time-poor - video marketing is a must. 

4. It's Free to Use!

YouTube is a free platform - both for brands and consumers. And you don't need a big budget to create the videos. They can be a simple as you in front of the camera, which can actually work best in many situations. You don't even need expensive studio equipment - if you're on a budget you can just use a phone and a tripod. Simple!

5. Reach a Wider Audience

YouTube is a great traffic source and the videos can be incorporated within your blog or website and promoted across all of your other social media channels. It is a powerful tool that can reach a wider audience and its' highly shareable nature can lead to even greater exposure! As long as you provide engaging content that your audience actually wants and optimise your videos - you can expect to generate thousands of new subscribers, leads and customers.

6. Create a stronger connection

A YouTube channel will create a stronger connection between you and your audience, particularly if you are in front of the camera. This is so much more powerful than hiding behind a faceless company or brand and as your audience get to know you, like you and trust you - you will build a much more loyal following and one that will want to buy from you again and again.

7. Improve your Search Engine Optimisation

For a start, Google owns YouTube and search engines generally favour video as it is one of the most popular content formats. By including video in your content portfolio you are improving your chances of ranking and getting found online. Make sure you incorporate good titles, descriptions and tags in your videos, to improve your search engine ranking.

8. Additional Source of Revenue

Once you have established a subscriber base, you can use your channel to create an income stream whether that is through allowing adverts on your videos or promoting your own (or affiliate) products to sell.

9. Pushes You Out Of Your Comfort Zone

If you are feeling camera shy and feel queasy at the thought of putting yourself 'out there' for the world to see - don't worry, you are not alone!  But - this is a great reason to do it. Push yourself out of your comfort zone, as soon as you have done the first video it WILL get easier. And you will improve with each video until it becomes second nature. And for the sake of feeling a little uncomfortable - you can phenomenally expand your business, reach and income! 

So I hope I've gone some way to convince you that YouTube and Video Marketing is an absolute must these days. You need to be out there if you want to compete and if you're serious about delivering your message.  Don't think yourself out of it, in Nike's words... Just Do It! 

Have a great day!  😃

Laptop Lifestyle Living

Thursday, 29 August 2019

7 Digital Marketing Trends For 2019 - Your Chance To Stay Ahead Of Your ...

If you’d rather read what Luke has to say in his video - we’ve transcribed this for you below ;o) 

Hey Miles here  at

This video reveals my seven top digital marketing trends for 2019. The goal of this video is to help you stay on the leading edge of digital marketing. So you can make sure that you are ahead of the crowd and you are getting the lion's share of the clicks and conversions.

So number one.

Facebook ads are going to continue to get more expensive now. There are several reasons why this is happening. First off, in 2017, Facebook started running out of ad inventory inside of their newsfeed product. Which means if you are an advertiser buying space in the newsfeed they actually, for certain demographics, didn't have enough content published from the users to mix in the advertisements with. Since it's an auction platform, this means supply and demand take over and the price goes up.

Now, this is not true for every segment but for the big-time segments that a lot of people focus on, it is. Mix that with the fact that the number of monthly active subscriber growth has slowed significantly. The number of people leaving Facebook because of the privacy scandals and all that other stuff that's going on is also not helping this situation.

And third, you have the FTC the Federal Trade Commission in the United States who is looking at potentially putting a fine on Facebook for some of their data breaches. It's been leaked that that might be one of the largest fines they have ever placed on a corporation. Not to mention what's going on in Europe with the GDP. Our laws that Facebook is pretty much in breach of as well. So there's a chance that Facebook's gonna get hit with some big-time fines and then they're gonna need to make up that money to make their investors happy.

Where's that money gonna come from? Advertisers. So I'm still buying traffic but I am definitely taking some of my ad budgets away. And I've been placing it into other areas recently to make sure that I'm ready for when Facebook is no longer a viable pay-per-click method based on the numbers. 

So number two.

Is an increased focus on conversion rate optimization this dovetails into number one for sure. People who have been all-in on facebook advertising and they're watching their ads costs go up. That means they're watching their cost lead go up and their cost for new customer acquisition is going up as well. 

What can you as a digital marketer or business owners do to fight that? Well split testing right conversion rate optimisation is a huge way for you to be able to get more leads and more sales with the same ad budget. So I think more and more businesses are gonna realize that “Hey, we're putting in a ton of money into our advertising and/or we're putting in a ton of our energy into content marketing. We should be taking time to split test our opt-in pages or calls to actions our sales pages. So we can make sure we're maximizing the return on energy and/or ad spend. 

So I think the conversion rate optimisation is going to grow to be something that's even more talked about and more commonplace for businesses right now. I still think that it's only the leading edge businesses in this world and also I've taught how to do a/b split testing on your WordPress website. On your funnels on WordPress, I'll definitely have that video linked to in the description. If you're not yet doing any sort of split testing, now is the time to get started.

Number three. 

I believe there's gonna be more digital marketers publishing on YouTube now. There are some astounding statistics about YouTube. If you haven't googled it and read through any of the statistics, I highly recommend you take a moment to. You know Facebook has been touted as an amazing platform with two billion monthly active users. I found that YouTube is currently running at about 1.9 billion monthly active users which is right on the heels of Facebook. And used to YouTube does have a fairly large segment of individuals who use their platform who never actually log in because YouTube videos can be embedded in blog posts. And you could just use their search engine. And you can watch videos without ever logging in. 

So it is a behemoth, is actually the number two platform compared to Facebook. And again it's right on the heels. Some really powerful numbers from different demographic groups. Right so that 18 to 24 and 18 to a 34-year-old segment which is the most valuable segment for advertisers have a huge propensity to watch videos on YouTube. In the 18 to 24 segment, 96 percent of them have watched videos on YouTube.

YouTube reaches more 18 to 34-year-old men than any cable network on television which is crazy to think about. But then, you might wonder about, well what about the 60s and 70s out there. Well, 51 percent of 75-year-olds and older have watched youtube videos so everyone in you know, over 50% of every age group is watching youtube videos. 

You mix that with the fact that about 5 hours a day is the average on how much television most people in America watch. Going on with the whole cord-cutting thing of stopping to pay for cable TV and starting to shift the viewing online. That's just gonna continue. 

YouTube is going to grow massively. Then, as kind of from the standpoint of digital marketers. To create a blog and to get written content out there on a blog. The barrier of entry is extremely low. You could use a free site. You can go buy some rubbish content. Milk content and publish it up there. You never have to put your face out there. You can just pretty much put out search engine spam. 

And that's what's happening. There are over a billion blogs today in the world putting out content. Whereas on YouTube, many many people in our world are extremely afraid of taking that kind of leap to go on record to go on camera and to be on camera. Looking into a camera lens like I'm doing now without red light flashing saying, “you're being recorded.” Just get some people to freeze up so there's a higher barrier to entry. Which means that there's more opportunity for those marketers who are willing to kind of publish on the platform. And everyone starts out a little rough and bumpy on their world of YouTube. But we get better as we do it more often so I think for those reasons, more and more people are gonna be shifting their energy over to YouTube. And I think that YouTube has one of the more exciting advertising platforms coming out. I'm getting some incredible low cost per views right now and running. 

I'm not running call-to-action ads, I'm just running ads to a lot of my videos that are out there. The numbers are looking astounding and I'm going to start doing some more call-to-action ads. As well number four podcast listenership is going to continue to explore the year-over-year numbers for podcast listenership just continue to grow and grow. The female demographic is the fastest-growing demographic although There are more men who listen to podcasts right now and I've got a theory about why this is. And it's really important to always think about when you get these data points. Why why is that's where you can really et those aha moments to realize if your people are on that platform and if that channel makes sense for you to really go all-in on. And I call this the parental challenge. So a lot of parents with kids whether they're their toddlers or newborns or young preteens tweens whatever they are. 

Parents with kids have very very limited time to themselves. The ability for a parent who's got two or three kids to sit down and read a book for an hour or to read a few articles on their phone is extremely limited. But they have the ability and the time to put on their earbuds and listen while they're cleaning, while they're at the gym, while they're driving the kids around to soccer practice. There's a lot of potential for these individuals and these demographics to consume content in audio format where they can't sit down and watch a video and they don't have the freedom to sit down and read a book because of their lifestyle with the kids.

So a lot of these individuals are realizing that they can entertain themselves, that they can grow personally through personal development and/or learn kind of professional things within their industry. Because there are podcasts on every single topic in just about every single industry out there. So if you have the parental demographic right, the late 30 the 35 to 55 year old demographic, if they are somebody you're trying to reach, podcasting may be a great place to reach them. And I think more and more people are gonna consume more podcasts. And I think more and more marketers are gonna be publishing podcasts. 

This dovetails with the last one of the YouTube channel. All of my videos that don't do screen shares actually make it on to a podcast feed. If you haven't found that yet you can just search for Miles Bechler in your podcast app and I've got over 300 episodes there. For these types of people people who can't sit down and watch a video but while they're commuting, while they're on the train, while they're at the gym, they can still fill their mind with positive empowering messages and helpful ideas. About digital marketing, you could be doing this for your audience as well.

Number five omnichannel marketing.

You know I went to the Affiliate Summit West conference in Las Vegas. I heard Ryan Dice speak. I heard Neil Patel speak. I got to do this really cool in person, sit down with Neil Patel. There was about 20 of us. We got to ask him questions. The big buzz word from that entire event was omnichannel marketing. Big brands and big businesses are no longer all in on that one ad platform that for so long was Facebook advertising. Many of these businesses are spreading their money out across many different channels. And the theory is that even if you're doing brand-based advertising, the fact that you're showing up more often in more places and you're getting exposure for your brand, your brand story and your content on many different platforms really increases the trust that your audience has with you. Because we expect brands that are trustworthy. To be everywhere. 

This is a part of why we're now running pay-per-click ads on Pinterest for my wife's content for her pins. These are not call-to-action pins. These are just to get more reach on the Pinterest platform. We're also running pay-per-view ads here on YouTube for my wife and my best videos to make sure we're just reaching larger demographic segments. 

And of course, we're still doing our Facebook advertising even though we've decreased those numbers a little bit. Here's the interesting kicker and this is what Neil Patel convinced me of that got me over the hump to really kind of start investing in his omnichannel marketing, as he has clear data that when he began running advertisements on YouTube, on Google, and on the other platforms, his facebook ads ad spend the cost per click. The cost per conversion actually went down and has something to do with his branding. It's extremely difficult to track. 

That's one of my next challenges in 2019, is how to track the efficiency of this. But when Neil Patel is saying clearly that he believes beyond a shadow of a doubt that his investment in advertising on additional platforms helped him get better numbers on his core platform, I was all-in.

I began testing it and the numbers for us, our OTO sales month-over-month have grown more in the last month than they have in quite a while. So there is definitely something going on here.

Number six, the increased focused on the power of the brand.

There are two sides to this. I already talked a little bit about the side of this which is the pay-per-click side. The willingness to pay to get your messages out, to get your best content out because it's your best content and when people watch your best videos. When they consume your best content, not just your call to action content. Then, that likeability increases. That trust ability increases. And you're able to grow your audience right. So that's the one side and we've already kind of talked about that the other side is when you become the default person or the default brand that users search in the search engines.

It actually helps your rankings for all of your keyword phrases. Let me give you an example for this, so when someone goes to YouTube and they search Miles Beckler SEO or Miles Beckler Facebook ads or Miles Beckler something else face or excuse me. YouTube is realizing that Miles Beckler is the brand and then there's a keyword associated with it and as more and more people search for the brand along with the information that they want. It actually increases the authority of the entire channel. 

The same can be true on a blog when someone searches for my wife's brand plus meditation or my wife's brand plus Channel messages etc. It actually increases her rankings for all the hundreds of thousands of keyword phrases that drive traffic to her web site. Each and every single month when someone goes and searches for Rachael Ray pots and pans because they've watched Rachael Ray. They believe in the Rachel Ray brand and Amazon and Google and YouTube are seeing all of these searches around Rachael Ray.

This Rachael Ray that the power of the brand has taken over on the organic side as well. 
So are you building a brand? Are you making sure that your brand has a very kind of cohesive feel? Every single video I start with my name and my So when somebody thinks, “Hmm, I wonder where I could learn XYZ.” They might just have a moment of Miles Bechler Let me go search Miles Bechler comma, digital nomads. Does Miles have any content on digital nomads? When that starts to happen, my rankings for all my keywords go up up up so the increased power of brand works on two levels. The paid level and also the organic level and that's going to to get more and more important 

Number seven. 

Finally here greater demand for digital marketing help. Now, what do I mean by digital marketing help? I think that clearly, this is in alignment with local businesses. Local marketing agency running the Google my business kind of optimization as well as helping local businesses get on the map packs. I think it helps with getting them more reviews. Creating review systems so people can get better reviews for local businesses.

But this goes way beyond local businesses. To be perfectly honest, there's more of a need now than ever for podcast editing services. Right for professional video editing services for individuals to go work with YouTube influencers and help them take their videos and cut up 60-second spots so they can run those on Instagram and Facebook. Right here's a lot of additional services that all of the different brands and all of the different companies that use digital marketing in one way or another. 

They all continue to need support whether they're all in on a digital business like I am or even when they run a brick and mortar business and they just need a local SEO agency or a local WordPress consultant to help them dial in their sites. So they can rank better for their core keywords. As our world continues to go more digital with more eCommerce going on digital. More research for e-commerce and more research for bricks and mortar purchases happening online. 

Those who are being found on the search engines. Those who are running efficient funnels with Facebook advertising. Those who are optimizing their funnels. The need for a professional conversion rate optimisation specialists will only continue to go up year-over-year. So what I'm getting at here is even if you're not building an affiliate marketing brand based on a specific niche that you love and you haven't found that thing inside of your heart that makes you say. That you just want to share with the world you might still be able to find a way to take all of this knowledge and your interests in the world of digital marketing and apply it to local businesses. Apply it to digital businesses. 

I hire a team of we to have 12 plus people I pay each and every month because they're all adding value and they're all helping me grow my business. So my support for this business that my wife and I run literally takes care of many people. Right if you think about their families that they're supporting with his income. It really is a big ripple effect and you're gonna find more and more businesses. 

Both bricks and mortar and all-in on digital are gonna need that kind of support so there's another great need for you I was able to go full time online fastest by offering digital marketing services selling services is always going to be a faster path to 10 grand a month than it is to grow a niche site. 

I personally did both at the same time and once that niche site took over I just went all-in on that and I let the client work go but the client work served me greatly for about four years and I think that's just gonna get more and more valuable and that's it that's the whole video so I hope you've enjoyed this. 

If you know somebody who's in the world of digital marketing who runs a business and maybe doesn't think about digital marketing enough grab the URL share it out with them put it in a Facebook group share it on Twitter help me with a little share and a reach through on Reddit or whatever you do I appreciate you if you have questions about any 7 of these that we covered or any other ones you think that I left off to get at me in the comments below thumbs up like engage.

I appreciate you I thank you I've got another video coming out in a couple of days so subscribe and I will see you on the next video till we connect again thank you and be well.

Have a great day!  😃

Laptop Lifestyle Living

How To Make Better Videos for YouTube Marketing in 2019 - 7 Top Tips

Video is an incredibly powerful tool for creating content, building an audience and generating traffic to your website, landing page or opt-in pages. It is an essential part of today’s marketing mix and can help you and your business to build credibility, trust and loyalty with your tribe. 

Here are 7 of our top tips for creating videos for YouTube Marketing.

Introduce Yourself

Create your first video introducing yourself and your channel. Tell your audience who you are and how you are going to help them. If you’re not convinced about getting in front of the camera, you can always use an animation video instead, telling the story for you or the company. 

Choose The Right Video Style 

When choosing which type of video you want to create, make sure you keep your audience in mind. If you want to engage with your audience and build a relationship, trust and credibility - you need to communicate to them through a format that they will notice, watch and engage with.

If you are demonstrating software or providing tutorials - you can record a screen capture video. This is a really popular option and certain software will allow you to also feature yourself in a corner of the screen so that you are still connecting to and engaging with your audience. Choices are broad and can include; you on camera, whiteboard animation, colour animation, screen capture, slideshow/ keynote presentation.   (See blog; What Videos & Software are Best for YouTube Marketing in 2019.) 

Customise Your Channel

Make sure you customise and brand your channel to help your audience identify and engage with you. Creating a brand presence will help you look professional and will also help you to stand out. There are lots of places you can do this and this will also include getting a trailer made for your channel and intro/outros made for each of your videos. Keep reading as we will mention some of the sites you can use to find freelancers to do this for you.

Create Videos That Convert

If you want your videos to convert viewers into subscribers or even buyers, you need to construct them in a certain way.  Make sure you know the purpose for your video - do this by answering the following questions before you even start to create it:

Why are you making the video? What is its’ purpose and what is the message? You need to know your intention and the problem or challenge that it addresses to make sure that it gets in front of the right people and that they actually want to watch it. 

What are you hoping to do? Educate? Entertain? Inspire? Know and understand your target audience. who are they and what do they need? where are they? How are you going to help them find your video? 

Know your video style/ What kind of video do you want to make? What’s the style? Will it present your content in the way that your audience will resonate with?

Chose The Right Software to Record Your Video 

There are heaps of different software choices and the style of video will dictate which kind you will need. Camtasia and Screenflow (MAC only) are great for screen capture, slideshow, how-to’s and tutorials. Screenflow is more advanced and has lots of extra editing features if you are editing yourself. Explaindio Video Creator is also another great tool for starting your own videos and you can do lots of different kinds - animation, slide shows presentations etc.

Structure Your Video Like a Pro

There’s no need to overcomplicate this and in fact, you can stick to a simple 5-point structure: 

  • The Hook or attention grabber. YouTube is saturated with videos and if you’re in a competitive market, you will need to consider what you are going to do to grab the attention of your audience?  The easiest way is to ask a question that addresses a pain point that the viewer is likely to be struggling with and how you are answering their questions and solving their issue.
  • The Video Intro. This is a piece of music that is approximately 4-6 seconds and designed to entice them in. It should complement your brand and what you are trying to be (whether it’s personal or business brand) and should include a short piece of music. Look at the videos you usually watch on YouTube and you will start seeing this. 
  • Your Content - Always provide valuable content and remind your audience why the content is important. Don’t forget to tell them who are you and why they should listen to you. This is the information that you are actually going to give them - training, insight, a how-to or even ‘secrets’  (be careful not to get too spammy or sales-y) Always attempt to give them something they can use right now - even if it’s just some advice.
  • Call to Action - This is so important and should be the point of your content. What do you want them to do at the end of your video? This is still part of your content but it’s designed to get your viewer OFF Youtube and to your website landing page or offer. Explain what they need to do next do benefit from your product or service next.
  • The Video Outro. This should be the same theme/music/branding as your intro, but you can go one step further and use this as a clickable link where your audience can click through to your blog or opt-in page.

Know When to Outsource

This is sooooooo important. And can’t be emphasised enough. Entrepreneur-Paralysis (I know this isn’t a real term; o) but it does happen a lot!) comes when we are trying to wear all of the hats and do everything ourselves. We are trying to learn and trying to cut costs - but we end up just getting in our own way. We get ‘stuck’ at the next step rather than continuing to move along the path to our vision.

Unless you have a keen interest in learning more about and getting involved in the video - look for someone to help you out! There are plenty of sites you can go to to find capable freelancers that are ready for your project and can help with your video editing and YouTube trailers, intros and outros; 

  • Fiverr. If you’re on a tight budget Fiverr should be your first port of call. But just be aware that you will likely get what you pay for so make sure you check the sellers' ratings and make sure they have already sold a number of gigs, for credibility.  I’ve found the people on Fiverr to generally be helpful and happy to amend their work until you are completely happy with it. But you will get some projects that are so off the mark, it’s not even worth asking for revisions - as they are either no good or don’t understand what you are looking for. It’s a trial and error process with all freelancers - so when you find a good one, keep them! And to begin with - start with a very small project and hire 3 of them - see which one understands the most and produces the best quality and then use them for the rest of the project. This is a practice you can use with any freelancing site and one that I would recommend for any support you will be needing on an ongoing basis. 
  • Upwork. You can find video producers, video editors and people to create your intros and outros. It will generally cost you more on upward than it does on Fiverr, but the quality is also likely to be higher. Do the same as you would for Fiverr and make sure you only use people who have credibility (sales & reviews) behind them.  
  • Envato Market is a great site and has a lot of quality freelancers for video, audio and graphics. Look at the Video hive section. You might find this site easier to navigate and sift through than Fiverr. The same applies, look for creditability and work samples and you can always take to them before you place the order.

Don’t Waffle On

There are plenty of ways to prepare for your video, particularly at the beginning when you are not used smoothly discussing the topic and are likely to forget, stutter and uuuhhhhmmm…. these options can help you!

  • Use bullet point to share your point and prompt you
  • Script the video first to guarantee its’ flow
  • Present like a pro and use a Teleprompter; where you can read your script through the lens of the camera, whilst seemingly looking directly at your audience

And don’t forget, the secret is to make it as conversational as possible - albeit a one-sided conversation! And not too formal.

I hope these tips have helped you with your videos!  If so you might also want to check another YouTube & Video Marketing  blog; What Videos & Software are Best for YouTube Marketing in 2019

As usual - just go for it!  If you’re new, you can only get better, so what’s stopping you?! You got this!

If you're interested in YouTube and Video Marketing you might want to check out these articles:
What Videos & Software are Best for YouTube Marketing in 2019
Why You Need a YouTube Channel For Your Online Business

Have a great day!  😃

Laptop Lifestyle Living

How To Market Online With Ease

By: Robin Harris

You can ignite your marketing efforts and passion for the game by learning to use your personal story and expertise to get potential clients subscribing to your opt-in list.

I want to show you 10 simple steps you can implement with a low-cost investment and a little effort that you can use as a springboard for more aggressive online marketing campaigns.

By creating an interesting web site, which consists of one simple, yet, the well-designed web page you can begin a relationship with qualified prospects. The "Interest Site" is designed to share content and offer a customized introductory e-product to someone who would qualify to be considered your ideal client. The focus of the site has to be a HOT TOPIC for your ideal client and it has to tie back to your product theme in some logical way.

The Interest Site will include the following components:

1. The reason why the ideal client should read the content and subscribe to your list to get the introductory product. You written communication should be compelling, not contain hype, and impress the ideal client so they know the free product does not mean no-value, low-value product, but it means you are a generous person, you are a skilled business person, and you are beginning your relationship with them on good and ethical terms.

2. Weave in a soft introduction that is designed to create affinity with your ideal client so they know you are like them, understand them, and share some of the same concerns and interests as they relate to this topic. Be brief.

3. Discuss one to three key points related to the topic that the ideal client would find very interesting. Notice I said the ideal client would find them interesting, you may not, and the non-ideal client may not. You may have expertise in this area or you may have to go and do some research. Either way, make sure the information is highly relevant to your ideal client and related to your primary business offering.

4. Include a message that lets the ideal client know that this content is incomplete and they can get more advanced information by signing up for the complimentary eCourse or workbook. Don't offer just a newsletter or special report. These things are overused and are often perceived as low value until your credibility is well established.

5. Give the ideal client a teaser preview of the HOT HOT HOT TOPICS covered in the eCourse or workbook. Summarize what you have provided and remind them to subscribe.

6. Provide a Bio-box with 3 or 4 lines about you, written in the third person to start imprinting the ideal client with the perception that you are a great resource, expert, etc. Be sure to include email contact. Get yourself an official domain and email address. Make sure the web address you pick for your interest site relates to the topic being discussed. Remember to represent yourself as being an established professional. Do not use an ISP email address. is much more attractive than

7. Use an autoresponder to create an online signup form for your opt-in list. Include this sign-up form directly into your web site page. I use an autoresponder which allows for attachments and can create both text and HTML messages. You can use the HTML software inside the autoresponder to create simple yet elegant messages without knowing HTML. I recommend you stay away from text-based messages, their quick, fast and cheesy looking. Imagine getting a text-based email from Amazon, it just wouldn't look all that professional, would it?

8. Set up your autoresponder so the subscriber gets an immediate message congratulating them on their new subscription. Assure that the e-product is sent with the first message. You can either attach the product or store it on a web server and include the link. The first option is the easiest if you use the full-featured autoresponder.

9. Instead of trying to push people to your replicated site or your affiliate site, or convince them to spend money with a stranger, you want to get them to your interest site and get them into your opt-in database before sending them off to some other web site or having a serious sales conversation with them.

10. You can get more information about tools and resources for the Interest Site Project and you can also receive a complimentary template for creating your first ecourse when you subscribe to our online newsletter at

Original Source:

Have a great day!  😃

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