Friday, 30 August 2019

Why You Need a YouTube Channel For Your Online Business

The question shouldn't be 'should I have a YouTube channel' it should be 'What videos should I create for my YouTube channel?'. 

YouTube is a HUGE platform that almost any business can use to connect with their audience. Not only do people use YouTube for entertainment, but it's a convenient go-to resource to find out how to do absolutely anything - whether that's in the home, or at work.

From cooking, dog training, DIY projects, product demonstrations and more recently an explosion of tutorials, free trainings and how-to guides for entrepreneurs and businesses. You can pretty much find any information you need on YouTube with a convenient video that you watch or listen to at the touch of a button.

So why wouldn't you want to be there?

Here are some stats to show you why you need to be on YouTube - courtesy of Orberlo - 10 Youtube Stats Every Marketer Should Know in 2019 [Infographic]

  • YouTube has 1.9 billion users worldwide
  • The only social network that has more monthly active users than YouTube is Facebook.
  • 79 percent of internet users say they have a YouTube account (Datareportal, 2019)
  • Everyday people watch one billion hours of videos on YouTube and generate billions of views (YouTube, 2019)
  • 62 percent of businesses use YouTube as a channel to post video content (Buffer, 2019)
  • 90 percent of people say they discover new brands or products on YouTube (Thinkwithgoogle, 2019).

So what are the benefits of having your own YouTube Channel? There are plenty! Here's just 9 of them...

1. Provide Even More Content to Your Audience.

Whilst blogs are a great way to keep your audience informed and to provide content that helps solve their problems, there is only so much you can write in a blog. And only so much that readers want (or are able) to take it. Videos are a great way of creating even more content and making it more digestible. 

2. More Visual

Depending on your niche and product or service, videos could be a much simpler way of providing your content. If you are showing your audience how to use software for example or navigate around a computer or system, sharing your screen is by far the easiest way to communicate. Likewise, if your niche is cooking, beauty tips or fitness - video is a perfect way to communicate. Video can also break complicated subjects down into a simpler format, by using whiteboards or demonstrations for example. 

3. Ease and Convenience

Not everyone likes to read and videos are easily digestible. There will be a number of people that would prefer to watch a video instead of reading a long article, how-to guide or blog post. You don't want to lose this segment of your target audience. YouTube is so convenient that videos can even be consumed whilst doing something else - like running on a treadmill or on the commute to work, so if your audience is time-poor - video marketing is a must. 

4. It's Free to Use!

YouTube is a free platform - both for brands and consumers. And you don't need a big budget to create the videos. They can be a simple as you in front of the camera, which can actually work best in many situations. You don't even need expensive studio equipment - if you're on a budget you can just use a phone and a tripod. Simple!

5. Reach a Wider Audience

YouTube is a great traffic source and the videos can be incorporated within your blog or website and promoted across all of your other social media channels. It is a powerful tool that can reach a wider audience and its' highly shareable nature can lead to even greater exposure! As long as you provide engaging content that your audience actually wants and optimise your videos - you can expect to generate thousands of new subscribers, leads and customers.

6. Create a stronger connection

A YouTube channel will create a stronger connection between you and your audience, particularly if you are in front of the camera. This is so much more powerful than hiding behind a faceless company or brand and as your audience get to know you, like you and trust you - you will build a much more loyal following and one that will want to buy from you again and again.

7. Improve your Search Engine Optimisation

For a start, Google owns YouTube and search engines generally favour video as it is one of the most popular content formats. By including video in your content portfolio you are improving your chances of ranking and getting found online. Make sure you incorporate good titles, descriptions and tags in your videos, to improve your search engine ranking.

8. Additional Source of Revenue

Once you have established a subscriber base, you can use your channel to create an income stream whether that is through allowing adverts on your videos or promoting your own (or affiliate) products to sell.

9. Pushes You Out Of Your Comfort Zone

If you are feeling camera shy and feel queasy at the thought of putting yourself 'out there' for the world to see - don't worry, you are not alone!  But - this is a great reason to do it. Push yourself out of your comfort zone, as soon as you have done the first video it WILL get easier. And you will improve with each video until it becomes second nature. And for the sake of feeling a little uncomfortable - you can phenomenally expand your business, reach and income! 

So I hope I've gone some way to convince you that YouTube and Video Marketing is an absolute must these days. You need to be out there if you want to compete and if you're serious about delivering your message.  Don't think yourself out of it, in Nike's words... Just Do It! 

Have a great day!  😃

Laptop Lifestyle Living

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