Tuesday 3 December 2019

10 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

You might already be thinking about using sales funnels in your Amazon business or are maybe already researching to find out how you can set one up? Perhaps you have no idea what a sales funnel is, but have been looking for ways to grow your sales, your customer base and increase your income.

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

Whatever your situation or reason for being here, we wanted to explain to you why it’s the right decision and why Sales Funnels are SO IMPORTANT for your Amazon business and the e-commerce world in general.

(If you have no ideas what a sales funnel is - please check out this post: Funnel Basics! What is a Sales Funnel and Why do You Need One? )

10 Reasons to Use Sales Funnels for your Amazon Business

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

First and foremost, by using sales funnels you will build your own email list!

As much as we all love Amazon and respect it as the huge selling platform it is,selling on Amazon does come at a price. Amazon owns your customers.

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

You can’t continue the relationship with these customers after they have made a purchase; there are restrictions on what you can say to them and how you communicate and you are not given their email addresses and so can’t use email marketing to continue to market to them after their initial purchase.

Without an email list you are at Amazon’s mercy.

Should Amazon decide to block your listings or even your account (which they do… speaking from experience!) you will suffer significant losses of income and unless you have a way of reaching potential customers outside of Amazon, this could be detrimental to your business and livelihood. 

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

If the worst happened, but you had a list of customers - you are still in business and still have an audience to sell to!

You can sell to your customers on a regular basis.

With an email list, you can continue to sell to your customers on a regular basis. You can use your list to launch new products and market promotions and offers throughout the year. You will have already paid to acquire these customers and so any future marketing is effectively free (no advertising costs!).

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

An email list is an asset that should not be overlooked. Your list will dictate the value of your business. 

Easy Retargeting on Facebook

You can use your customer email listing for retargeting on Facebook which is a really powerful and cost effective way of advertising, that will encourage your customers to come back and complete the purchase. 

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

When a customer views your product page on Amazon but doesn’t complete the purchase, you have no way of reaching back out to them. You have lost them.

Separates you from Competition

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

A sales funnel will separate you from the competition. You will be driving traffic to a product page that isn’t surrounded by 10 other sellers, selling the same or similar item. Instead you will be delivering a customer experience by considering what else your customer might need and offering a solution through cross-sell and up-sell - enhancing the overall experience rather than being played off against other sellers and competing products.

Increase Brand Awareness

Using a sales funnel will help you increase brand awareness and create an army of raving fans and customers. When people buy through Amazon, they are buying ‘from’ Amazon - it is Amazon that they know and trust and that is why they are choosing to purchase from the platform.

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

Shoppers are fickle and won’t necessarily care which seller they are purchasing from, so long as they find the product that meets their needs.They don’t tend to go on Amazon to look for individual sellers’ and visit at their store fronts. They go to Amazon for the convenience of having a complete product range presented to them and will select a product based on price and reviews.

Connects you with Customers

Sales funnels help you connect with your customer. You have complete control over your sales copy and you can use video, images, descriptions, testimonials and more to help you engage and connect to your customer. 

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

The customer can learn about you, your business and your products. This helps with conversion, brand awareness and loyalty.

Increase Cart Value

A sales funnel will allow you to increase the average cart value of your customers, through up-sell and cross-sell products. 

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

So long as you strategically place these products at the point of purchase and create a selling sequence that make sense to the customer and the product that they are purchasing, a percentage of your customers will take these up-sells.

Gives Irresistible offer for your Customer

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

Sales funnels are not price driven, they are offer driven. Sales funnels give you the opportunity to create an irresistible offer for your customer. The great thing about this is that you can add value through informational products (e.g. free email or video training, cheatsheets and guides) that would be valuable to them but free for you to create and deliver. Anything that you can think to improve the purchase and post-purchase experience will see your conversion rates going through the roof!

Scale your Business

Sales funnels will allow you to scale your business at a rate far beyond Amazon. Not only will you ‘own’ your customers and be constantly building and marketing to your list, your targeting potential through Facebook advertising is unlimited. 

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

Facebook can help you expand your audience globally and reach out to potential customers that are the most likely to be interested in your products (and purchase your products) based on their interests and behaviour online.

Ad Cost can be Liquidated Easily

Advertising costs can be liquidated through the sales funnel and email marketing. Advertising costs can be quite significant both on and off Amazon. These costs can be paid for through upsells in your sales funnel or through email marketing and follow up sequences. 

11 Crucial Reasons For Using Sales Funnels in Your Amazon Business

Advertising costs on Amazon however, need to be considered a cost of sale. Unlike sales funnels and facebook advertising, you can not remarket or email market to the people who showed interest in your products by visiting the page or even initiating check out. You will have lost these people and the advertising cost has to be accounted for at the point of sale.

So you see, Sales Funnels are an extremely important, valuable and profitable part of any eCommerce business. If you are looking to scale your business and take it to the next level - you need a Sales Funnel and you need it now.

Check out this Case Study to see how Jaime Cross has generated over 7 figures selling physical products through her E-commerce sales funnel.

Related Blog Posts:

- How to Build Your Own Sales Funnel - With Click Funnels

- Click Funnels - One Funnel Away Challenge [OFA] Review 2019 (And My Extra Affiliate Bonuses!)

- Funnel Hacking LIVE - FREE Brand New Documentary 

Have a great day!  😃

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 ==> 7 Ways to Explode Your Business Online <==
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