Tuesday, 30 July 2019

5 Ways To Use The Facebook Pixel To Generate Sales Online

How to use Facebook Pixel to Increase Sales Online

So you've heard about the Facebook Pixel, you've bought into the idea that you need one for your business, but you aren't quite sure about how you are going to (or supposed to!) use it?! No problem - we've come up with 5 ideas to get you started!

1. Use the Facebook Pixel to Create a Custom Audience and Lookalike Audience. 

Use the email list from your current customer base to create a custom audience on Facebook. You can then show the same audience adverts when you have a special promotion, one time offer or new product or service launch. AND you can create a lookalike audience - where Facebook will create an audience of people similar to those that have already purchased (based on various data points). This audience will be more likely to buy than non targeted cold traffic and because you are creating a lookalike audience, the number of people you can advertise to will be vast - compared to your limited customer list.

2. Use the Facebook Pixel to Collect Audience Insights 

Start collecting data from all of your web pages to get a better idea of the type of person engaging with your content and assess this agains your customer avatar. This can include blogs, e-commerce stores, websites and lead pages. It can also include your Facebook page, group and advertising. If they are showing completely different things you can either refine your customer avatar in line with the type of person is actually engaging and buying from you - or you can adjust your online marketing strategy to better target your dream customer.

3. Use the Facebook Pixel to Retarget Interested Prospects 

Create retargeting campaigns for anyone who has enhanced with your online content but not taken the desired action - e.g. registered their email address or completed a purchase. Retargeting is incredibly powerful as cold traffic is hard to convert. However, once it has been warmed up (these people have shown an interested in your company and product / service) it is much easier to convert them. Plus - retargeting campaigns cost a lot less than conversion and traffic campaigns.
Track your Facebook advertising performance. This is crucial in understanding ad performance and conversion rates. If you have been running ads without this data, you will have no idea what is working and what isn't.

How to use Facebook Pixel to Increase Sales Online

4. Use the Facebook Pixel to Split Test & Create Winning Ad Sets  

Split test, split test, split test. Using the Pixel you can split test everything. You can set up an ad campaign with 12 different ad sets testing a number of different targeting variables for example. Because you have the Facebook Pixel installed and you are tracking the specific action that you want your prospects to take, you will see which specific ad, creative and targeting variables delivers the best results. Whether you are looking for lowest cost per clicks, highest number of website purchases, lowest cost per lead etc. you will be able to see it all within your ads manager instantly.

5. Use the Facebook Pixel to Track Traffic to Your Amazon Listings  

If you are running an Amazon store and sending traffic to your listings through Facebook ads, you lose access to those people the minute they leave your Facebook ad. But fortunately there are 3rd part apps, like Pixell.me, that can provide you with links that can have the pixel code installed within them. That way you can still create an audience, for retargeting, of all the people that clicked onto your Amazon listing, using the data collected through their specific link.

So now are you seeing what all the fuss is about? It's amazing really, how much insight this little piece of code can give you and the sophisticated level of targeting it provides for your Facebook Ad campaigns. This is why, when you understand how to use Facebook Ads, it can be an absolute game changer for your business.

We hope you found this useful - and as alway - please comment at the end with any questions, suggestions or view points you have on the subject. We are always happy to chat and connect!

Until next time...

Have a great day!  😃

Laptop Lifestyle Living

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