Friday 6 March 2020

10 Ways to Leverage Email Marketing for Lead Generation

By Kristin Mortis

Every day, about 124.5 billion emails are being sent for businesses across the globe, and there’s no indication of this figure going down any time soon.

So, it makes perfect sense to spend some time eyeing for the best strategies to capture your potential customers’ attention via email marketing. Plus, it’s more cost-effective than other tactics and yields the same return and in some instances, even more.

In this post, we’ll provide you with 10 email marketing strategies that can help in boosting your lead generation.

MacBook Pro beside white papers and plant

Why Use Email Marketing for Generating Leads?

It would take us forever if we were to talk about the advantages of email marketing. However, for the sake of lead generation, let’s just allow the numbers to do the talking:

A report by Statista reveals that 49 percent of consumers prefer receiving promotional content via email.

Additionally, emails with customized subject lines generate 50 percent more open rates. While a study by DMA (Direct Market Association) reveals that for each $1 spent on email marketing, there’s an average ROI of $32.

The following 10 email marketing strategies will help you in generating leads effectively.

1. Get Permission

Photo of Men Having Conversation
Firstly, you’ll have to obtain permission from your potential customers before sending emails to them. This will help in generating leads for itself. For this, you’ll need to request them to fill a subscription form on your blog, website, or landing page, thereby gaining their email address, which will then be used to send promotional emails.

If the targeted audience agrees to receive your emails, it’s an indication that they’re open to having further communication, which will lead to future conversions.

2. Personalize

You might have probably heard about the importance of emailing personalized content. The most common way marketers do this is by addressing their clients by their names. But, even though it may look like a reasonable approach, it may not always work.

Most experts suggest sending emails with contents that are customized to meet your audience’s needs and interests. By using the right CRM (Customer relationship management) software, you can automatically personalize links, attachments, subject lines, content, and offers to match the preferences of an individual recipient.

3. Offer Something Special

To make sure that your email campaign has an effect on potential customers, you’ll have to provide something special. It can be a freebie, an exclusive offer, or a discount. You need to provide something that’ll make them feel like they’re getting an excellent deal from you. This will ensure that your email won’t end up in the trash bin.

4. Provide a weekly newsletter

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You can also utilize email marketing to send weekly newsletters to your customers. Sending weekly emails with high-quality content and tips related to your business will help in boosting the trust of your potential customers.

It’ll also ensure that your portfolio and brand aren’t forgotten in the long run.

5. Clear CTA

The biggest reason why most users subscribe to an email list yet don’t end up as leads is due to the confusion that mixed messaging creates. The people on your email lists aren’t sure about their next move. Whether it’s “Reserve Yours Now” or “Join Us Today”, a clear CTA (call-to-action) helps in simplifying the decision process.

6. Make It Short

Another efficient email marketing tactic is to avoid sending lengthy content unless your target audience hobbies include reading. Don’t hesitate to send emails that are short and on point.
Man Sitting While Using Laptop Inside House

7. Engaging Subject Lines

Subject lines are crucial in determining whether your email marketing campaigns succeed or not. It’ll be a great waste if you sent an incredible email yet no one opens it. That’s why it’s important to include an appealing subject line.

8. Link landing page

Sending emails with links to landing pages other than your website or blog is another important email marketing strategy. Such content triggers more conversions since they include only the relevant information that your targeted audience needs.

Directing your clients to your website will only distract them from finding the service or product they’re looking for and eventually give up.

9. Automation and Scheduling

Automating messaging or welcome emails based on your subscribers’ behavior (for instance, abandoning their shopping cart on your site) is the most organic way to build customer relationships.

Email Blocks on Gray Surface

10. A/B Testing

If you want to find out if your audience prefers an image of the mountains or beach or you wish to know which type of phrases grabs their attention, then A/B testing experiments are the way to go.

It’ll help you in getting more information about your consumers. By delivering two different variants of an email and determining which one generated more engagement, you’ll be able to improve your lead generation operation and turn subscribers into clients.

Original Source:

Have a great day!  😃

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