Have you ever wondered why planning is so important to success in Internet Marketing? I certainly did until I applied my logical mind to it. Let's say we wanted to climb Mount Everest, where would we begin?
I suspect you would say with a detailed plan leaving nothing to chance! Well what if you knew that the chances of success in climbing Mount Everest is actually considerably greater at 31% than your chances of making it as an Internet Marketer about 5%!
Just consider the skills required to succeed as an Internet Marketer:-
- Great copy writing skills.
- SEO skills to get approval from Google etc.
- Social Networking skills.
- Link building by building good contacts.
- Advertising skills for Adsensens and Adwords, Facebook etc.
- Originality, we must not plagiarise and if we do copy must credit our source.
- Ability to recognise good niches.
- Analytical skills to identify the niches.
- Accounting or tracking skills to skills to see what did work.
- Persistence and consistency.
Many of these attributes would help you succeed in anything, not just Internet Marketing. The idea about planning is that you focus your mind on to the goals you have. The very act of writing something down or even just visualising life, as it would be after the goal is achieved, can have a miraculous affect on your concentration, and the forces of the universe! A case in point my wife loves kittens and knowing we did not really want to add to our financial burdens she added kitten pictures as her laptop wallpaper.
Well just a week or two later we went to feed our horses and what should appear out of the spare stall, but a worm riddled half starved 8 week old tom cat kitten! Of course we could not find a neighbour who would admit to it being theirs, so it was adopted, and he is now taking over the stable and bossing around all the horses.
Well that aside the same affect can be gained if you just write down where you want to go in your Internet Marketing Career. Something as simple as make $500 in a month gives you that focus. What happens is you really try to hit the target and you focus on the steps to take you there. You do not even have to know all the steps, although finding a course or college that will help you along the way may not be a bad idea.
That one simple plan and goal will direct you to find out how SEO may improve traffic, and then to analyse the traffic you get to see which keywords work best, and maybe focus more on those. You may be surprised to find that the keyword you chose to promote is being out performed by related ones that Google just happened to assign. If that is the case just write a few more articles based on that one and link them back to your site.
Before you know it you have a host of related articles a bunch of traffic and the Sales start to flow. You may well even find you exceeded the goal, if so set another and repeat if not reward yourself for any of the steps you achieved and set a more realistic goal. It is really important to reward yourself for your successes along the way as this is what drives your motivation to do. Potpie girl has a saying "If you do today what others won't, you will be able to do tomorrow what others can't" it is interesting but true and it can all start from that simple plan.
Original Source: http://www.streetarticles.com/ecommerce/why-planning-is-so-imporant-to-success-in-internet-marketing
Have a great day! 😃
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