As a marketer, we have to make sure every penny we are putting into marketing has a return value that worth it. Social media marketing is a cost-effective and easy way to approach your potential customers. In this article, I will show you what statistics saying about the same.
Here is the list of benefits of Social Media Marketing:
Customer engagement
You can get recommendations from more than 70% of consumers when they have a positive introduction with your brand (LyfeMarketing, 2018).
Marketing perspective
More than 85% of marketers use social media as their most convenient way of marketing. (Buffer, 2019) The social media marketing budget increased this year for 65% of marketers. (Buffer, 2019) Engagement, traffic, and leads are the top 3 target areas for social media marketers (Buffer, 2019).
Tracking social media campaign performance by social media analytics is useful for more than 77% of marketers. (Sprout Social,2018) As per the estimation by the end of this year, consumers will spend more than $500 billion in eCommerce on Facebook, Instagram, and (eMarketer, 2019).
Product discovery
More than 60% of consumers are saying Instagram helps them discovering new products (Instagram, 2019). Releasing new products using social media is preferable for more than 65% of companies (Duke University, 2019). More than 50% of browsers love to find out new products by searching social media (GlobalWebIndex, 2018).
Brand building
Instagram receives more than 200 million visits a day for business pages (Instagram, 2019). Uploading and Sharing promotional videos on social media is preferable for more than 74% of consumers (Sprout Social, 2018). Engaging consumers over social media and provide proper customer support is a huge benefit of using social media.
(Sprout Social,2018) As per consumer surveys, messaging using social media to a company helping them to build trust about the company or brand (Facebook, 2019). Social media is helpful to increase traffic on a website (Adobe State of Digital, 2018).
Purchase Driving
As per Curalate, social media posts about products help consumers to decide on their purchase (Curalate, 2017). More than 52% of survey participants were interested in purchasing a product (Statista, 2017). More than 44% of consumers would love to buy an item seen on a social media post (Curalate, 2017). You can start by investing a small budget on social media. But social media will help you to get all the benefits mentioned above.
You and your brand must be online to extract all the benefits including brand value and potential customers. In our next article, I will discuss social media marketing posts which you need to know before you start with social media marketing.
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