Thursday, 10 October 2019

Finding A Digital Marketing Firm: The Top Questions To Ask Before Hiring


50.8% of the global population is already online. Roughly speaking, that’s about 4 billion internet users. Without digital marketing, you’re missing out on a big chunk of your potential audience.

With a professional digital marketing firm on your side, you can reach out to this audience and start growing your business! But how do you choose the right one?

Here are five questions to ask when searching for the best marketing companies. 

Once you find your perfect match, you can start growing and beat out the competition!

What Previous Clients Have You Worked With?

First, test the agency’s experience. Have they worked with another company within your industry before? How did it go?

Find digital agencies that have experience with your industry. That way, you can skip the guesswork. They’ll already know what works.

Make sure the agency is equipped to handle your company’s specific needs, too.

Search for an agency that offers experience specific to your industry and needs. Working with them will become a lot easier as a result. 

What Tactics Do You Use?

Some agencies are versatile and offer a long list of tactics. Others perfect the process for a single campaign. 

Ask if they offer a range of digital marketing services or specialize.

For example, Ignite Digital offers a number of services to help businesses grow.

You might need specific help, such as social media marketing or a new website. When choosing a marketing firm, make sure their capabilities and expertise align with your marketing goals.

How Will You Help Me Achieve My Goals?
Marketers who plan their projects are 356% more likely to have a successful campaign. Before you start working with an agency, make sure they have a plan and process in place.

You can also ask:

  • Who will become my point of contact?
  • How often will we communicate?
  • What tools or software do you use?
  • How do you keep up with the latest trends?
  • Make sure the agency’s process provides everything you need before moving forward.

How Do You Measure Success?

What key performance indicators will the marketing firm look for? How will the plan change if those goals aren’t met?

Marketing requires a lot of analytics. Ask how the company will look at the data so you can understand it when a report comes in. 

This is also a great time to inquire about how often they’ll update you about a campaign’s performance. 

How Much Do Your Services Cost?

Your marketing campaign won’t become a success unless you invest time and money. As you search for a marketing firm, make sure you determine their costs.

They might charge based on a project, monthly, or hourly basis. 

In some cases, the firm will offer you a package deal. Make sure to choose an agency that aligns with your budget and overall marketing goals.

Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Digital Marketing Firm

When you team up with a digital marketing firm, you want to know they have your company’s best interests at heart. With these five questions, you can find the perfect match from hundreds of agencies.

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