Thursday, 26 September 2019

How to Reduce Email Bounce Rates

By Nelly M.

You spent days crafting an email to inform customers about your latest products. You even hired a graphic designer to make sure that you’ve got amazing visuals to capture their attention and hopefully, get more conversions. But unless you deal with bounce rates, it’s hard to say that you will succeed in your email marketing campaigns.

What are bounced emails?

Bounce rate is a term used in email marketing to refer to the percentage of emails that “bounced” back to you. In short, these are emails that haven’t actually reached your recipients. There are many reasons why email bounces. One is that the email account is no longer active, is invalid or was already deleted.

There are two types of email bounces – the soft and hard bounces.

A hard bounce indicates that the email will not be delivered for a permanent reason. It’s probably because the email account has been deleted, the domain name doesn't exist, or the recipient’s server has completely blocked delivery.

A soft bounce, on the other hand, indicates a temporary delivery issue. This means that after the reason has been cleared, the email could either bounce back permanently or go straight to the recipient’s inbox. While there are many reasons for soft bounces, the most common are: the mailbox is already full, the email server is down or offline, or the email message is too large.

How do you reduce your email bounce rate?

Regardless if it’s a hard or soft bounce, you want to address the problem right away. A high bounce rate can greatly affect the outcome of your campaign and may hinder you from achieving your email marketing goals.

Keep your list squeaky clean.

Having a low bounce rate starts with keeping your list clean. Remove subscribers that are no longer active or those that haven’t opened any of your emails. Also, keep an eye for incorrect spellings or email addresses that aren’t formatted correctly.  While there are tools or software that can manage your list, a simple data check to correct typos and misspellings during the email acquisition phase is a surefire way to keep your list clean.

Maintain a permission-based email subscription

When it comes to email marketing, the rule is always “quality over quantity”. Give potential subscribers the chance to opt-in or opt-out of your campaigns. Permission-based marketing means that you only send emails to someone who has given you consent. 77% of people prefer it.

Use a preference centre

You want to lower the chance of your subscribers blocking you from sending them emails. An email preference centre is a tool that helps you establish a healthy relationship with your subscribers. By giving them only the types of contents they prefer, you can significantly lower your bounce rate, spam reports, and unsubscribe rate. Aside from the fact that customers prefer it, setting up a preference centre upon sign-up will also increase your open rate. 

Verify The Email Addresses

One of the best and most dependable ways to reduce email bounce rate is by making sure beforehand that all the email addresses in your email list are valid. In fact, your email marketing efforts will fare best if you verify the email addresses before even adding them to the email list using email validation and verification tools to do that on a scale .

Send confirmation emails

An easy way to reduce your bounce rate is to send confirmation or activation email to your new subscribers. This means that before they become an official subscriber and start receiving messages from you, they would have to confirm their email address. This ensures that the details you have are correct and valid. The only downside of this strategy is that it’s an added work for your customers. Confirming their email addresses can be irritating for some users. Just make sure to make the process quicker and easier.

Ask your subscribers to update their information

People change their email addresses from time to time. Encourage your subscribers to update their information as part of any transaction process. They can remove any old, unused email addresses or add new ones. This is a great way to increase the number of people who will read your messages.

Send emails to your subscribers regularly and consistently

By sending emails to your customers on a regular and consistent manner, you won’t only benefit from a lower bounce rate. You will also experience fewer spam complaints and higher engagement among your subscribers. A consistent email marketing schedule helps people gain more understanding of your brand, increase your revenue by reducing the sales cycle for your business, and build relationships with your clients. More importantly, it helps build trust between your business and your subscribers.


Bounced emails are a real threat to your marketing efforts. Without addressing your bounce rate issues early on, you could be missing out on a lot of potential customers. Whether you’re dealing with soft or hard bounces, there are several ways to reduce them. It all starts with maintaining a clean list. Additionally, you should make sure that your subscribers really want to receive emails from you by asking for their permission and setting up a preference centre. Encouraging them to confirm their email addresses, update their information, and following a consistent email schedule are the other effective strategies to improve your bounce rate.

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Have a great day!  😃

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