Friday 16 August 2019

3 Prompting Ways to Increase Your Registration Conversions!

by Jenny Mark in Marketing

You must have heard an old adage that says “You can lead a horse to water but you can not make him drink”. There is an equivalent saying for event planners as well that says “you can tell folks about your event but you can’t force them to buy a ticket”.  Definitely, people will show interest in your event but it is not necessary they will buy a ticket and attend your event. It’s true that it’s tough to keep up but it’s even tougher to stand out.

Fact is in this new world of marketing, people ignore everything that looks like an ad, that’s why forward-thinking companies are coming forward with brand new ideas to captivate and engage their web visitors. They are bringing out increasingly creative ways and trying to establish a 1:1 connection with their prospects. The idea behind this direct connection with the audience is very simple- the more you know your customers, the more you can empower them in their journey of buying.

Technology giants like Amazon are the key example of this process. Product recommendations and personalized website features are something that took years to develop and it totally arises from the volume of data. So today it is necessary more than ever to develop a 360-degree view of your customers and for this, it is important to boost registration conversions and engagement.

But why so much emphasizing on Customer registration? What exactly is the storyline behind this registration and conversions? Let’s see what’s in the core:
  1. User registration is the ultimate tool for optimizing your ROI since it gives IT leaders and marketers a complete picture of your potential visitors.
  2. With the quick evolution of the digital world into the cross-device, cross-platform world, visitors have a variety of ways to interact with your website. And here web cookies fail to capture the entire customer journey.
  3. The user registration data allows brands to create historical records about what their customers care the most. Well, cookies may expire and in that case, you might lose your comprehensive data.
So the very first step to building these customer stories involve, obviously getting users to register. And to make this happen here I am summarizing three very basic steps to keep in mind.

Step 1: K.I.S.S (Keep it simple and stupid)

The main thing that distracts your visitors from registering themselves is that they are confused and can’t get it right what actually you want to sell. And as you know confused people do not purchase and they keep on scrolling until they don’t get a straight forward answer. Hence your job is to make it as easy as possible so that everyone who wants to spend time with you has more area to explore. And you can get a valuable visit of 5-10 minutes.

Now to achieve this simplicity you need to take care of the following 3 things:

  • Clear Calls to action: Make sure all of your CTA’s are crystal clear and frequent. You should make it happen that once a user has registered, there must be several ways to dig down your engagement funnel. Make up your mind what you want from users and then bold those actions in the form of transparent CTAs.
  • Avoid Surveys and forms: Remember you are battling for more than just your audience’s money. You are also craving for their time and attention. That’s why do not irritate them by asking for what is not needed. Exclude all those fields from your registration forms that are not relevant and embed social sign-in functionality as your one-click registration process. This is simple and effective, Trust me!

Step 2: Be Personal, rather than promotional:

With this I don’t mean that you should stop all your marketing and promotional events but plan your events in a way that your attendees feel special and you can do this by adopting these simple things:
  • By customizing your emails: Just adding the Dear suffix won’t give a personal touch to email. You need to make sure that your email is directly targeting the pain point of your audience.
  • Be more social: There is always a reason behind the huge social media campaigns of big brands like Walmart and Pepsi. These campaigns are the face of your brand and they are really helpful in building the faith among the audience that they are dealing with the real people.

Step 3: Be transparent:

People with questions won’t commit to you. So make your web presence crystal clear that people don’t have any double thought about your services. You can easily convey what you want to deliver in the form of gif graphics as they are more interactive and extremely easy to create. Make sure you are putting all your key details at the front so that people don’t for some special event at your portal.

Rest everything is okay if you consider these tiny tips in your mind and just keep the process simple and seamless to convert many more registrants into attendees.

Have a great day!  😃

Laptop Lifestyle Living

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