Tuesday 27 August 2019

10 Social Media Tips For Business 2019


If you’d rather read what Luke has to say in his video - we’ve transcribed this for you below ;o)
In 2019 social media is going to get even more difficult for businesses. Supply of content already far exceeds command and paid reach is falling dramatically. Plus all the platforms want to make you pay to play by organic. Social media isn't that you just need to get inventive you just need to be a bit different. So today I'm going to share with you some nifty tricks and tips that are going to really help your business own social media in 2019. So let's do this 10 actionable tips on social media for business. Hi guys, my name is Luke and I work in the marketing team here at Grossmont. So let's jump in tip number one the first half an hour of a post going live is going to make or break it. And in the modern age of social media, this tip is arguably can have the biggest impact on your social posting. So what's the tip number one get engagement early on the social algorithms for every platform love this. Take Instagram, for example, the algorithm works in three stages. Stage one. As soon as you post something, the algorithm is going to start to show that new post to a small sample of your audience and then monitor how fast that post gets engaged. With stage two, Instagram is going to compare the level of engagement the new post is receiving through a post made that's similar time of day previously. Stage three is your photo attracting a lot of engagement. Great Instagram is going to start showing it to a larger proportion of your audience and it may even showcase it on the Explorer page. For a chance that's super-viral. So this can be the big win if the post continues to attract strong engagement. It's going to stay at the top of more people's feed increasing reach and the chance of extra engagement with the photo or brand page and the story is the same for every social platform. You really need to be driving engagement early on. This is going to help both your reach and the longevity of the post and if you don't expect to be drowned out by the other three billion social accounts that are going to be posting content. Quick bonus tip. Know your algorithms. This is going to be fundamental to mastering social media in 2019. It's really going to inform your tactics help you excel and definitely beat the competition I've actually broken down how all the social algorithms work for every platform in the resource in the comments below. Tip number two. Time to get a little bit happy. You want to be getting your post ranked really early on. So the really big tip is where possible avoid outbound links at all costs every social media platform wants you to stay on that platform. Basically, it means they can serve you more ad impressions and ultimately make more money. But wait what surely you need to share outbound links on social media. Absolutely. Luckily there are workarounds so I need to thank John for this. One of our resident LinkedIn expert as this example comes from their platform. The great thing with LinkedIn is it allows you to do two things. One it allows you to edit a previously published post and two it allows you to copy links to specific comments. So what does this mean? It means you can avoid outbound links in the main body of the post by publishing and then placing the link in the first comment. After that, you just need to copy the comment link and place it inside the body of the post. We've typically seen a one to two hundred percent increase in close reach since we started using this technique. Do you know any cool tricks on the other platforms like this? We'd love to hear them in the comments below - there. Now, this is something I love to do on social media and it's using tools like rebrand Li to mask your links there are three benefits to this benefit. One they look much nicer and much more on brand benefit. You can also use a tool like clickmeter to track even more metrics like the number of clicks the geography of those clicks and even the platforms and organizations those clicks came from. Benefit number three and my absolute favourite is you can add retargeting pixels to the branded links. This will allow you to fire paid selling ads if the people that engage with relevant content moving on. Tip number four. Have you ever used the subject lines free with email marketing? This is a handy little marketing automation that can really help improve the performance of your email company. Simply put you can resend an email a few days later. All those that didn't open it with a brand new subject line. We've actually seen open rates increased by over 25% using this tactic. Different copy interest differently but hold up what's this got to do with social media? Well, it's actually a social distribution. It's a way to significantly improve the reach and the longevity of your own company only the earth being any web property that you can control and it's unique to your business. There are over 1.5 billion pieces of content being released to the Internet every day. You need to do a lot to get noticed. You put loads of time and effort into making an amazing blog post or compelling landing page so you obviously want to make sure as much of your audience sees it as possible but sharing identical content over and over again doesn't really work. It gets stale and the social workers hate it so you've got to make the old look new but how? Change up the metadata. Most blogging platforms and landing page creation tools are going to allow you to do this. Take for instance instapage pub Sport and Yoshi for WordPress much like changing the subject line of an email. Changing the metadata on your own Khan is going to help it be seen by a whole new segment and you never know it's an amazing new copy and visuals it could even help it go viral. Another bonus tip. Don't have loads of own content yeah, not a problem. Content creation can actually be really valuable for your social audience and help establish a fourth leadership but surely the benefits can be limited right. How about you try distributing this curated content with at. All right sniffing it's a tool that allows you to add a call to action to curated articles and then drive traffic back to your site. Just make sure you actually relate that call to action to the content of the piece. Also when you're creating content try using a tool like buzzsumo to find the best article to share once we've proven virality. Tip number four. Engineer your marketing. Engineer marketing is the idea of giving something valuable away for free and then selling something related at a later date and what's going to work really well in 2019 social media is quizzes. As you can see from this buzzsumo article two of the most shared pieces of content on Facebook in 2017 or actually quizzes and this research from Neil Patel found the most popular content by far was quizzes. Quizzes generated over 50k jazzing likes compared to 15k for articles sharing. Quizzes feeds are where you go and gives people a glimpse into who we are what we're interested in and what we value. This is called social currency and I've come onto that a little bit later. Quizzes can be ideal for qualified lead generation as long as you ask the right questions. Take our t-shaped player quiz for example. This went crazy on social media and we generated nearly a thousand responses in just a few weeks because people love to benchmark their skills against their peers. And for us where you get some amazing insight into the market for skills where they're abundant and where they're lacking. Pretty powerful for an education company and great news. Quizzes are actually really easy to make with the right tools. So at grove tribe, we love a tool called type form but there are also other tools such as outgrown and Survey Monkey or you could just use the social platforms themselves. So if he's actually been experimenting with quizzes built using Twitter and Facebook and so far so good. Building them native of you on the platform offers much less functionality than the tools I mentioned but the great thing is, as I said earlier, you won't be generating an outbound link so the algorithms are gonna love you. Plus quizzes really help you start the conversation with your audience which brings me on to tip number five. Start the conversation. Most social networks have recently come out and said they're going to favour posts that generate what they call meaningful conversations. They want their users to have a better experience. So yes again they've killed which page posts in favour of friends and family take Facebook. For example, they recently came out and said over the next few months they'll be making updates to ranking. So people have more opportunities to interact with the people they care about the most. On top of this, Mark Zuckerberg himself came out and said one of our big focus areas for 2018 is making sure the time we all spend on Facebook is time well spent. Killing the organic reach of page posts increasingly makes Facebook a pay-to-play arena for businesses. So that probably has nothing to do with it look however this is not the end of organic social media on Facebook or business. We just need to get smarter so every conversation it's best practice on every platform. Anyone start the conversation mediate the conversation and get involved in the conversation. But how do you start the conversation? First, you want to be getting clever with your copywriting. Right copy that actually elicits a response as an example, if you're sharing a blog post poses a question you can also ask for people's thoughts on the subject or think of triggers. Start a discussion n recently trending subjects. David Ogilvy the Godfather of advertising once said do not address your readers as though they were gathered together in a stadium. When people read your copy they are alone so write copy and post questions for a person not following. Secondly, you're going to want to use the right content medium. Adam sorry head of newsfeed at Facebook recently said live videos often lead to discussion among viewers on Facebook. In fact, live videos on average get six times as many interactions as regular videos. Many creators who post videos on Facebook prompt discussion among their followers as the posts from celebrities and with being conversational. Just remember the basic always respond media is billboards TV and print ads. Social media is conversational. Your profile is an extension of your business. The annual brand essentially having no profile is better than having an inactive profile. Social for business to k-19 tip numbers in 2019 more than eighty percent of all web traffic will be video. More video content is uploaded every 30 days than the major US television networks have created in the last 30 years. Plus according to research by Forrester one minute video is equal to 1.8 million words to your audience. That's right tip number six is to use video. It's going to continue to reign supreme throughout 2019 and all the social platforms love video. More stats alert. Did you know that social video generates 1,200 percent more shares than text and images combined? But I'll give Mark Zuckerberg announcer social network is generating eight billion video views daily. Even the sinking ship that's snapchat says they're still generating more than 10 billion video views every single day Plus around 60% of this video is consumed on mobile phones. So your brand to really make sure it takes a mobile-first approach. Now going mobile-first is a big topic so if you want to see it, I'm happy to make another video about that. Just let me know in the comments below. Anyway, video at growth tribe we love it. For us, average engagement on video is 225 percent greater than photos and 186 percent greater than the linked post. We went video first back in 2017 and it was one of the best marketing moves we've ever made. You need to go video but wait to hold up video marketing has huge barriers. To entry fact we love video marketing here at gross tribe we have two full-time video professionals as well as a team of t-shaped marketing pros that could contribute whenever necessary. What about a smaller business with less people less resources and less time. Well to help Paulo recently released this video on creating professional business videos on a budget. You can also use tools like Animoto wave and even keynote to make videos that are perfectly suitable for social media. Even the big players are using these tools for efficient. Take this video from the World Economic Forum. This can be easily recreated using a tool like an emotive bonus protein. Try using square video for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feed and obviously use vertical video for Instagram stories Facebook stories and snapchat. Why because it means more visual real estate. Extra bonus tip. Don't have original video content ideas yeah well experiment by repurposing old articles as video. Tools like lumen 5 actually use a form of AI to turn articles into short video perfect for social media. We mop this one up in around 5 minutes using a repurposed blog post from last year as a final note or video for social. Always post natively where possible. What I mean by that is actually upload the video to a social platform and then post it. We use what I like to call the two-week course. When we first make a video we do post a link on to our social platform. But around 2 weeks later when the initial attraction has dropped off we're more than happy to upload it again natively to the social platforms. Because we get to see a spike in the route. Found an awesome video on YouTube. You'd love to share you can actually get a little and maybe ask the content owner if they're happy for you to share that video. Download that YouTube video and re-upload it natively on to the social platform of choice because you're going to see much more reach. Okay, time for tip number seven. As I said earlier, you really need to drive engagement early on. But I get that that's easier said than done. How can you craft an epic post that people want to like comment and share immediately? Great question and so so important for owning social media in 2019. My favourite recipe is the steps framework developed by Jonah Berger in Vista. This framework is essentially the first real scientific look at what makes things go viral. In the words of Jonah, it's actually a science behind why people share some things rather than others and remember. Social media platforms are technologies they're not strategies in and of themselves. You have to understand why people share some things rather than others in order to use social media to your own advantage. The first part of the framework and what I would definitely argue is the most important for social media. It's called social currency. People share things that make them look good. Think about the last thing you shared on social media. Why did you share it? Did it make you look smart? Did it make you look cool? Whenever you craft new content for social, ask yourself is it remarkable? Secondly, start thinking about triggers. What I mean by this is what's going to be top of mind for your audience? In the world of social media, a real safe bet is to look at what's trending. You're probably not a TechCrunch or a loud body so trying to share the absolute latest trends in news. It's probably not going to work. You're likely going to be beaten by many many more publishers that have crazy amounts of resources and they're gonna beat you to the punch. But what you could do is incorporate current trends in your own uniquely branded way in the run-up to GDP. Are we actually release content specifically on how this would affect growth hackers and marketers rather than focus on the full regulation because, to be honest, that's insanely boring. While we're on the subject of triggers I just want to try a special mention to Oreo. They came up with what for me is probably the most timely triggered social post of all time. So take some inspiration back during 2013. Super Bowl company capitalized on a massive power outage by tweeting this entitled you can still dunk in the dark. Huffington Post actually proclaimed that one of the most buzzed were the ads of the Super Bowl on Sunday wasn't even a commercial it was a mere tweet from Oreo jury in the blackout. Bear in mind that Super Bowl ads are multi-million dollar project so this is some achievement and has gone down as one of the best real-time marketing efforts ever. Up next let's get emotional. I've brilliantly coined by Jonah Berger to care is to share that's why very often, the most viral content is the most emotional content. So when creating content for social media think about how much high arousal emotion it's likely to create. Those are post inspiring, amaze, perhaps it's funny. Will, it hit a nerve and make you angry? Maybe it's controversial. So not everything we can share can be super emotional but that's okay because the next point is practical value. We've looked at why caring makes you share but this is all about sharing because you can as an education company. It grows to thrive we often focus on practical value. Is it actionable? Can you the viewer take this information and use it straight away when it comes to both emotion and practical value. The stats really don't lie. Take the list of the most viral Facebook content from 2017. As you can see, all of the top 10 most viral pieces of content are either heartwarming, inspiring, amazing, or offer practical Tips. The only one that supposedly doesn't is a pie house video which is outrageous because of one, who doesn't like pies and two in my opinion pie hacks and the ultimate form of fact already. So why they love their content that's stuffed with emotion and practical values have way more social currency. So the next ingredient in this virality recipe is public in the world of consumer goods. This is about visibility in the world of social media. I like to think about the public. It's social proof. Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behaviour for a given situation. So what's social proof on social media for me? This is visible engaged, visible likes, comments and shares. Have you seen an article or video of little or no engagement? You're going to be much less likely to engage with that content yourself. Even if you think the content might be interesting. If of course, you see it, on the other hand, a post with hundreds or even thousands of visible engagement points, it's going to appear more credible or of high quality. This is also being referred to as wisdom of the crowd. Social proof. This is when a large group of people appear to be endorsing. Essentially this many people who can't be gone. This is why I have to stress the importance of early engagement for your 2019 social strategy. It's a snowball effect. Early engagement equals more reach which equals more potential for even more engagement and this sounds sort of obvious. But more engagement, therefore, equals more engagement. That's social virality. Finally, you've got to wrap everything in a story and tell a good one at that. Ss Neil Patel recently revealed you need to share life experiences. Your life is unique. If you can tie your personal experiences into your content you'll do much better. You and your business is unique experiences. You're original more remarkable and much harder to rapidly so be authentic, be fun, be educational. Before provoking, just be different. So moving on tip number eight. Be visual in a social media world where the supply of content far exceeds demand. You have to stand out. Even great content is going to fail if you don't deliver it in the right way. Let me give you an example, from changing our YouTube social shares from link posts like these to photo posts like these, we actually saw two hundred and fifty percent more reach and five hundred percent more engagement, why? Look at how much more visual real estate we use. The same can be said for Twitter especially when you're trying to go mobile-first post with lots of visual content are really going to excel. Moz actually needs some eye-tracking of Google SERPs and found this not strictly social media right now but it does reveal exactly how powerful visual imagery is on a page. It draws all of the attention. So we talked earlier about video content on social. While I know a lot of brands are going a hundred percent video on social media now, I get that it's not possible for everything and often it's not actually right for everybody. So it's best practice number two at least ensure you are being visual. By that I mean use emojis use gifs and use effective imagery. Imagery that really drives emotion and pleases make them original. Never use stock photos. It's the best way to blend it as it turns out cheesy stock photos can be a huge turnoff for your readers because they're in person I would even argue that most of them are even ridiculous. But hey I understand that often businesses do turn to stock photography because they don't have the time or knowledge to create high-quality professional photos using tools like Photoshop and illustrator. Well, good news and here's another bonus tip for you. Used tools my personal favourite is canva. It's been a lifesaver for me and I need to quickly create visuals for Facebook ads, blog banners, webinars, and social assets and jammers. They look great and anyone can use it. Plus Laura, our designer recommends pick. Pick can be awesome for creating popping infographics which by the way I highly recommend. They're great for social sharing and content. In general, why, because they often take complex issues and make them visual. Tip number nine. Have a plan to have a schedule according to this post by social media today. Having a core social media schedule can help you create consistency and retention. A billion gaps create consistent interactions and reach figure out what works and what doesn't pull your hair out which by the way I highly discourage. Free up more time and develop an outline. Your brand, story impromptu your approach to social media in 2019 just isn't going to cut it. There's too much competition as I've said your social content is going to have to be absolutely amazing. This means the majority of it is inevitably gonna need to decline. It may need to be aligned with product launches. The company roadmap holidays and events. Luckily there are more tools and I can even count to help you out of this. To scheduling tools that I would recommend a HootSuite and buffer. HootSuite has slightly more functionality but buffers a little on the cheaper side at growth tribe. Our overall content calendar actually has a huge influence on our social media calendar as does the company roadmap any product launches that might be coming up the holiday and events calendar plus any recurring native social content that we play on a regular basis. Finally tip number 10. Know exactly what you want. What is your goal for being on social media in 2019? What's your one metric that matters in the world of social media. It's going to be really easy to get carried away with the vanity mystery. So I know it talks a lot about reaching this video and yes it's a great leading indicator to show that you're posting and social strategies work. More reach often leaves some more items in your content so brand awareness more engagement and then more web traffic and lead generation ultimate. If the only reason you're using social media for brand awareness and presence then fine reaches okay, but for most of us reach is actually a prerequisite for and really matters. So make sure you dig a little deeper. At grow tide, we measure both hard and soft metrics. The soft or fluffy metrics as I like to call them including breach engagement and sessions driven from social sources. The hard metrics the ones that really matter to us include marketing qualified leads that have been influenced. We actually use attribution reporting to do this and new leads generated. We're the first touchpoint with social media why? Because lead generation is our one metric that matters so don't worry about followers. Be engaging and a small group of highly engaged followers is far more powerful than a large following of ghosts. Ghosts don't share the brand. Ambassadors do. They're really gonna help you gain that early traction you need and your poster takeoff so look. Social media marketing especially organic is gonna get even tougher for businesses in 2019 and don't be surprised to see major algorithm updates that hurt businesses even further. So the key takeaways. Number one know exactly what you want to get out social media to play to the algorithms and know the algorithms. Bri craft insanely good content and consider the steps framework I discussed for getting inventive use the tricks I mentioned. Do things differently. It's gonna really really help you out. Remember you can download my full guide to social in 2019 in the comments below. I've included all my favourite tools for scheduling monitoring tracking and designing. Plus insight into how all the algorithms actually work plus I'll shed a little bit more light on the strategy that we use here. Bro, I really hope this video is going to help you excel in social media in 2019. if you like this video, like and if you didn't please tell us why and if you have any further questions just ask me in the comments below. Till next time Luke.

Have a great day!  😃

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