Sunday, 14 July 2019

Is Your Money Mindset Getting in the Way of Your Success?

I recently finished a book by T. Harv Eker called Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (which I strongly recommend by the way). I found it incredibly enlightening, which came as a surprise! It's not the first book I have read about Money and mindset, in fact I have been reading, listening and taking a lot in about how to curate the money mindset required to succeed - yet I still found myself in moments of self-discovery as I read.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - Money Mindset - Laptop Lifestyle Living

What is a Money Mindset anyway? 

When I refer to a money mindset some of you will know what I am talking about, while others may be thinking what the......?!?!  

Your money mindset refers to the feelings and thoughts that you have around money. These have mostly been subconsciously developed from your own life experiences and your upbringing will have had a huge impact on this.  

They will also form the bases of your core beliefs around money and how it works in the world - since beliefs are just thoughts that we keep thinking. 

Why is this important?

Our thoughts,  emotions and beliefs control our actions. If your thoughts and emotions towards money are negative, this can create a barrier between you and the financial success that you have been striving for.  If you have always focused on not having enough money, believed old sayings such as 'money doesn't grow on trees' or are always saying 'I can't afford that' then you have been living in a place of lack - a shortage consciousness. 

The universe has a funny way of showing us that what we believe is true. And so, if you believe that money is hard to come by, then you will find that it is hard to come by. If you feel and believe you never have enough - then you will never have enough.  

You will be too cautious to take chances, you won't see opportunities sitting right under your nose, you won't have the faith or belief in yourself to make your financial success a reality and so you won't be open to receive the ideas and inspiration that will take you forward and attract more money into your life and your business. 

On the contrary, if you feel abundant and that money is a limitless resource, you are more likely to find yourself seeing more opportunities to make money, getting more ideas and more inspiration that will lead you down the path to your financial goals. 

What does the book teach you?

The Millionaire Mindset is enlightening and practical. It provides a wealth of information about how our minds work and why our relationship with Money is so important. T. Harv Eker also providers a number of exercises and processes that will help you to; 

  • Identify your current beliefs about money
  • Work on improving your mindset and relationship with money
  • Create a new positive and healthy way of looking at things
  • Stop complaining, blaming and feeling resentful
  • Replace jealousy and resentment with gratitude for your life
  • Become solution focused rather than problem focused
  • Develop healthy mindset habits
  • Calculate and track your network
  • Manage your money to create long term wealth
  • Work smart not hard and leverage other people
  • Become a warrior and act in spite of fear, doubt and worry 
  • Only focus on empowering thoughts that will take you forward - not hold you back

And actually, many of these processes and habits to live by, are valuable in everyday life as they are designed to keep you focused on appreciating what you have, rather than spending all your time focusing and complaining about what's wrong in your life.  

Have you ever noticed that the people around you who complain the most and never seem to have what they want, continue along that path in rotation?  Whereas the people who seem to appreciate life (no matter what is thrown at them), never complain and instead focus on where they are going - seem to have everything they want float into their lives... ?!  

There's a reason for that. 

My personal take outs....

I thought I had my money mindset nailed. I knew there were a few issues I needed to iron out - but after reading this book I realised I had quite a bit more work than I'd anticipated and I truly believe this is what has been holding my back from reaching my next financial milestone. This is what I realised;

  • My beliefs from childhood are still very much integrated with my money mindset. I have even recently heard myself saying to my children 'we can't afford that'. I am focusing on not having enough rather than focusing on and welcoming abundance. 
  • I appear to still have a hindering false belief that seems to suggest I am not worthy of significant financial abundance. Whilst I acknowledge that this isn't the 'truth' - it was an interesting realisation that I can now address. This probably explains the next a-ha moment I had...
  • My ability to receive. I am terrible at receiving anything. If someone gives me a compliment I will dismiss it with a joke at my expense or a justification; If someone offers to do something for me I feel guilty and say it's ok (and therefore find it difficult to accept help) and if someone buys me a drink at the pub I feel I absolutely have to buy them one back. I can't just accept a drink or anything else as a nice gesture. So I will be working on my ability to receive and appreciate anything that comes my way. 
  • I am not managing my money effectively enough and whilst I do save and Invest, I still need to work on excess and impulse spending! 
  • Turning problems and obstacles into opportunities, not allowing myself to get consumed and emotional about the issue but instead thinking about all of the solutions and how this challenge has helped myself or the business grow and improve. And how resolving the issue could help me, help others facing similar challenges. 
  • That there is a part of my business that I am not genuinely passionate about - and that the reason it hasn't taken off, is because it's not truly what I want to be doing in life. Reading this book has helped me admit this to myself and be ok with letting it go for the time being, to focus much more on the things I love and enjoy doing. 

If you are interested in what you are reading here and would like to know more, I would definitely recommend giving this book a go. It's an easy and fascinating read / listen and will hopefully give you as many a-ha moments as it gave to me. You'll love it  ;o) 

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