Sunday, 19 May 2019

Laptop Lifestyle Living.... How it all began

Two years ago my life was turned upside down. My marriage broke down and I relocated with my 2 children. While this was the right decision for the future, I suddenly felt very alone. Everything had changed. Our daily lives were now unfamiliar, I had no childcare, no support, no friends down the road and I was responsible for everything.

My financial situation was far from where I wanted it to be. I had an eCommerce business which had been doing well but now, due to a number of issues, was no longer looking stable.

I had nothing saved for the future - no pension pot and no financial security for myself or my family.

I knew things needed to change - fast. I needed to create another source of income, in case the eCommerce business failed and I wanted to build a pension pot. I had a real passion for property, having developed our marital home and I knew this was the answer - but had no idea how to start.

I not only wanted to provide a better life for us, I wanted to create an amazing lifestyle full of opportunities, fun and fulfilment. But I didn't want to do this at the expense of spending time with my children. 

I wanted the freedom to work from my laptop so that I could always be around in the morning, after school and whenever they needed me. I wanted them to grow up in an environment in which they would feel safe, confident, happy and would thrive. 

I wanted to be a successful entrepreneur AND a good mum. 

I knew the lifestyle I wanted to create existed and others were living it, but I didn’t think it was possible for me. I was limited by my own false beliefs. After years of striving for success I had finally given in to accept that I wasn’t good enough or successful enough. I was on my own and I had no idea what to do next. I felt like I had failed….….. in all areas of my life.

A few weeks before my birthday I randomly came across a property investing book on Amazon. Intrigued and excited, I bought it. I remember clearly the day it arrived, I sat on my bed with the sun shining in on my face, as I started to flick through the pages. Despite being the worlds slowest reader, couldn’t wait to get started.

That book changed my life.

It showed me that anyone could get into property and explained in simple terms, how to go about it. It wasn’t just the content in the book that changed my life, it was the opportunities and possibilities that suddenly became visible, the life that became possible and the new belief that even I could do it.

All of a sudden I found myself on a transformational journey of personal development. One that I was never going to look back from. Anything seemed possible, in property and in business.

I invested into myself and learned everything I could about property, business, mindset, online marketing and wealth creation. I found myself down a rabbit hole, following anything and everything that interested me.

I immersed myself in webinars, podcasts, books, magazines, blogs, audio books and podcasts. Everything I listened to, watched and read was for my education and self development. I attended training events and mentorship programmes.

Within 7 months I had set up a Serviced Accommodation business on my own. Six months later, with a JV partner I had met through property events, I set up a property investment company and we purchased our first property. I started working on growth plans with my eCommerce business partner, developing a completely new product line in a brand new industry for us.

Life became exhilarating and full of possibility.

The problem was… I was quickly caught back in the trap of working all hours. I hadn't created new businesses, I’d created new jobs. I was doing everything myself because I didn’t know any other way. 

I wasn't making the progress I wanted, in fact I was barely making progress at all. I knew exactly what to do for all businesses to take off, but I only had 24 hours in a day. 

I was spreading myself too thinly and still getting distracted by every new opportunity that seemed to present itself (the dreaded Shiny Penny Syndrome!) And the time I had been spending with my children, was suddenly consumed by work again. 

So I took a breathe….

I took the pressure off and reminded myself that it was ok. These things take time, it was never going to happen over night. I was investing in the next 20/30 years of my life and I did not have to achieve it all the first 12 month. 

I decided there and then to STOP getting distracted and FOCUS on the core activity of the businesses I had set up. I finally dealt with my fear of the unknown and took a giant leap forwarded into outsourcing. I hired 3 VA's within a month. I implemented more robust systems to replace any repetitive admin tasks and ensure a smooth operation. 

And this is where I am now.  I am finally living the laptop lifestyle that I always wanted - but am still only at the beginning!! 

Everything is being run from my laptop. I manage serviced apartments over half an hour away from my home and am buying property almost 3 hours away. We have transformed the running of our eCommerce business. We gave up the office, no longer hold stock, have outsourced all task based work and stopped going the post office. 

I am the mum I want to be and despite having 3 businesses now, I am still at home for the kids before and after school. I spend most evenings with them before they go to bed. I can take them away in the holidays and work from my laptop knowing that everything is still in control and I can still manage the business.

I have gone from feeling anxious, worried and fearful to positive, alive and like I can conquer anything. What an amazing two years I have had and what a journey I am on. I have learned a lot and made a lot of mistakes (and continue to do so…!).

I now have big fat hairy goals, that 2 years ago I would have laughed at - and I really do know that anything is possible. 

Why am I telling you all of this? 

Because if you, like me, have big aspirations, hopes and dreams for your future but aren't sure that you can do it - I want to remind you that you can. 

Am I there yet?  Not quite - but that’s what makes now an exciting time to share my journey. Every day I am learning and every day I am overcoming challenges. And I want to start sharing what I learn to help anyone else on a similar journey.

The World really is your oyster. You really can do, be, have or achieve absolutely anything that you want, if you believe it and are willing to make it happen. You create your own reality. You create your own successes and you also create your own downfalls. 

You and only you are responsible for the life that you live. And absolutely anyone can change their life, at anytime - you just have to want it badly enough.

Follow me on my journey, where I will share all my experiences (good and bad) in business, property, eCommerce, marketing, outsourcing, systemising and ultimately designing a life you love and living the laptop lifestyle dream. 

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